20 September, 2007


Arianna, Dr. Kelly's PA rang me on Tuesday evening and we reviewed a bit of what was done in surgery. I wrote down as much as I could. I will add the post-op report when I receive it, hopefully at my appointment with him next week.

Arianna stated the following:
Impingement was bad. Acetabulum had too much bone and was shaved down. The femur was also shaved down.
Labral tear was not as big as thought and the frayed portion was debrided. The rest of the labrum was intact so no sutures were needed.
There was a lot of inflammation and very red inside the joint, he debrided what he could.
Psoas release - area was very red, 10% was cut. Because of this I will be a bit weaker for the first 3 months but should eventually get back to "normal" strength.

I was also told that I should be on crutches 2-3 weeks depending on how my strength is and if I am able to walk without limping. But as with everything else, it's a 'wait and see' thing.

I also checked with my genetic doctors office and was told that my biopsied tissue is growing and when they have enough it will be sent to the research lab in Seattle. Still no word on my Echo, but they were following up and hopefully will have that by tomorrow.

So that's the medical bit of the update.

Yesterday I went to PT for the first time. I have to say it definitely helps that I know the guys I am working with there as it made me much more comfortable. We did some small movements with the green band which wasn't too bad. I was not able to do bridges, too painful for me. I went on the bike for a bit but at first could not to a full rotation as it was too painful, so after doing a semi back and forth for a few minutes was finally able to do a full rotation for about 5 more minutes, which was a huge accomplishment. As my little nephew says "I did it!". All in all they thought I did pretty well.

After PT was when the nightmare started though. We left the office, which is on 56th, about 5 pm. We were not able to get a cab on that street, it was the worst time as most were off duty, and the others all taken. I was told not to walk more than a block for a week or so, but my mum and I thought perhaps we could find a cab on 3rd Avenue. After crossing the avenue and waiting for a while, we realised this was not going to happen either. We walked up to 57th, and thought the other side looked more promising. This was not to be either. Eventually we crossed back to the other side of 57th and were going to ring my dad to come down with the car, but there was a bus that had arrived which goes up York near my apartment. I did not have my metrocard which is why we hadn't tried this sooner. I was desperate so sent my mum over to ask the man if he would kindly let me on sans metrocard. Bless his heart as he took pity on poor gimpy me and let us on. I thought I was going to pass out at this point. After 2 hours of PT and then standing for at least an half hour on the pavement was just too much. I still had to walk from York to First Avenue when we got off the bus, and that was very slow going. Every part of my body was killing me at this point. Thankfully we finally made it to my flat and I put the GameReady on immediately, took another pain pill and put on my ipod to try to rest.

Today I wanted to take it easy, but we had to come out to the island, so there was a lot of packing to do. Unfortunately this fell mostly to my poor exhausted mother, who needs an holiday after this for sure! Thankfully the drive was only an hour as I was so nauseous from the pain meds. As soon as we got home I went straight to bed for a bit, and when I woke up was in a lot of pain. I used the GameReady for about an hour and took (reluctantly) another pain pill. I am now wonky again. The less I move when I'm on the drugs the better as even walking makes me queasy. I know this doesn't sound promising but I am foregoing my PT exercises today as I just couldn't do it for all the money in the world. I promise tomorrow I will do it!