15 January, 2009

Acupuncture update

Last Thursday, the 8th, was my third appointment with Mark Seem. He said after the third to take a month off and see how I am doing. He does this with all patients but especially with those that have my issues, as your body needs to recover from the trauma of the needles.
The session was pretty intense, he did two smaller needles in my jaw on both sides, and the dry needles he did in my back and shoulder and neck hit the spot. I won't say it was very painful, but I won't say you didn't notice it straight away. It's a strange feeling when the needle hits exactly the trigger point, and your muscle starts spasming. After the treatment I felt sore immediately. He said to go home and use heat, so I did, which definitely helped a bit. I was still pretty sore the next day. He also did another needle in my right index finger which unfortunately seemed to undo the numbing affect from the previous week. Right now it's sort of numb and sort of not, it keeps flip flopping.
As for my neck it is feeling a bit better but when I just turn it sometimes it feels as if it's being sprained and is painful. Other times it is fine.
Since our benefits at work have changed and they finally (almost) sorted the new insurance completely, I was able to locate a PT facility on Dr. Panagos' list that is on the new insurance and make an appointment for next week. I know that will not fix the stenosis but it should help strengthen my neck and I am hoping it won't hurt when I turn it anymore. Trying to be optimistic here!
On the exercise front, I'm still trying to go swimming three times a week but my right knee is not enjoying it at all. It has been killing me after I do some laps and then when I walk home it feels all loose and wonky. I am going to see if there is anything I can do that will not hurt me but will strengthen my quads. Should be quite a challenge. I am also wondering if I could get some sort of knee brace to wear in the water? Don't know if that exists but will check it out.
It's snowing so that always makes me nervous as it's quite slippery outside. I am missing the warm weather today!