23 May, 2008


It ended up raining last night. We kept changing our mind to go on the ghost walk, and eventually decided to do so. That was a mistake. Even though we booked and gave them our info, when we arrived at the hotel for the start, no one was there. We rang them and they said they thought we meant for tomorrow night - buggers! Anyway, it really started to rain then so it probably worked out for the best.

My left wrist was killing me last night - it hurt so much that I wrapped it up in a lidocaine patch. I think it was from holding my Hasselblad. I will try to be more careful today. The sun has come out for the time being and I'm just waiting for my friend to get back so we can go to Ybor City. It's meant to rain later in the afternoon - not looking forward to that. I also put a lido patch on my right hip last night before we left. Today we have a twist though because the left one is unhappy. Oh well, if it still hurts when we're leaving I'll toss on a patch there! Shame I didn't bring more!

Other than all the achy bits, I'm having a great time.