23 August, 2007

Funks gone!

There are very few things that can snap me out of the "funk" I've been in feeling as bad as I do, but my friend K did the trick! We've booked a trip to London (my 2nd favourite city in the world!*) for New Year's and my lovely friend P has opened up his home to us. I have the best friends! So it's a birthday and very early Hanukkah pressie for myself! YAY!!! It's also great motivation to plough through all the PT I will be doing.

*NY is the first - of course!!!

(yes for those of you who are not aware, I have a deep
fascination with Henry VIII - call it a morbid curiosity into his twisted mind.)

Various snaps of London

The Tower of London

And its' bridge, not to be confused with London bridge...

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