16 August, 2007

Pain pain go away, don't come again - EVER!

I'm in a slightly whinging, aching, miserable mood, mostly due to the weather acting up my fibro and also the fact that my left hip has been starting to hurt more and more. I think this is b/c the right one is bad so I've been limping more, but I still don't like it! I apologise in advance for a negative update, but I've got to vent for a bit. This week has been one annoying thing after another.

On Monday I had a doctor's appointment for a check-up. To begin with I feel like a beached whale! I've never been so overweight in my life, and it's driving me batty that I can't do any cardio. My doctor kept asking me how long it will be till I can exercise. Not very subtle, but it touched a very sensitive nerve. I never thought I'd miss exercise so much in my life!

Speaking of...I had PT yesterday. I haven't gone for two weeks because of insurance reasons. I have been doing my PT at home in the meantime and trying to do some exercises in the pool as much as I can tolerate. The last few days I've been in a lot of pain so my PT wanted to do some stim with a weight. Fine, not a problem, except...his trainee came over and set it up and then put a 5 pound weight on my ankle, unbeknownst to me. The most weight I've done on my ankles has been 3lbs and though that does not sound like a lot to most people, for me it has been a huge achievement. I tried to move my leg up and it was not moving. I asked her how much she put on and she said 5!!! I'd be quite happy if I could do 5 lbs but I am the one that suffers after and I don't mean just being "sore" from muscles. I mean, can't move the leg or put pressure on it and feel like some one's stabbing a knife in me - type of pain. Anyway she kept saying oh sure you can do it, like that was somehow going to miraculously make my leg strong enough. If sheer will power could get me better I'd be there already. The point of this rant is she just made me feel how slow it's all been for me and I've not even had surgery yet, and with all the concerns and fear and worries in my head, I was about to cry from this.

To add insult to injury, last night I came home to a message from the Dr's PA. She said that she thought ringing would be better b/c she's never seen so many questions before. I'm quite happy to speak to her directly, but it seemed as it was a bit of a jab. Seriously, this is my body, I have a right to know what they're going to do! I know people who are not very proactive and just go along without asking questions, so perhaps the dr's are used to that. Anyway, it was too late to ring back so I left a message for her this morning and hopefully will hear back from her today.

Ok, glad I got that all off my chest.

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