29 October, 2007

6 week Post Surgery update

Well well my pretties, it's been one heck of a time these last few days! It's times like these that I wish there was a way to become the bionic woman. (The original, this new one is just not working for me).

To summarise the last few days:
Thursday I woke up with one killer of a sore throat. I am only too familiar with sore throats, and can tell what causes each one. This one seems to be from my never ending acid reflux. I have been taking meds for the acid reflux for a long time, and my doctor had wanted me to start reducing the amount this summer. However, when she found out that I was to have hip surgery and take anti-inflammatory meds, she said to keep taking the acid reflux pills. Anti-inflammatory drugs are the devils work in my book and I try to avoid them at all costs, but I didn't seem to have a choice following hip surgery so I just went with it. The tablets are 500mg of Naproxen, taken twice a day. I was getting by for the first month or so, but by last week my insides had had enough and conceded defeat. Which is why I woke up with a burning throat.

My throat continued to get worse as the days went on so that I barely slept on Friday and Saturday nights. I think the last Naproxen I took was on Thursday, and about a week prior I had cut my dosage down to one tablet at day because of the intense pain in my stomach I had been experiencing. I tried taking something to numb my throat but it doesn't seem to make a dent, and I also sound like I've smoked three packs a day for the last twenty years.

To add to all the fun, Saturday I had a dentist appointment. I thought it was just to touch up one of my teeth that he had bonded a few weeks ago because of my tooth sensitivity. But alas, I was wrong. Secretly I held this fear that I was going to be told I was wrong and I needed a root canal. Having had three, you get to know when it's that. But I was in denial. Or at least thought if I denied it enough it wouldn't come true. I guess it was no surprise when the dentist brought it up and asked if I thought it could be that, and he did some poking and feeling and decided that was the most likely cause of my continual pain. I was ready to cry right then and there. The last root canal I had was only a little over a year ago, and it was a complete nightmare. The pain from the treatment and my TMJ was enough to keep me at home with ice packs and pain pills. Thankfully this tooth only had one root, and was towards the front and so the dentist was able to do the first part straight away. I go back in two weeks for the second part. I won't even mention the financial issues, but to give you an glimpse last year I used up all my FSA in the first two months from the root canal and crown. Seriously, I am losing my mind. But wait, it gets better.

Yesterday my mother and I were going out to do my food shopping. My nephew wanted to come and was sitting in the back seat when I got in the front. He did or said something to make me turn and my right hip went POP! I think (and hope it's not my denial but true) it was just my IT band which has done plenty of popping before. Yesterday I had more pain in my hip than I have for a while. I am not sure if it was the popping or the additional moving around with my nephew all weekend and him sitting on my lap, or just a combination of both. I am still a bit sore today and have PT tonight, so will tell the boys about it and see what they have to say.

The words "never a dull moment" could not be truer for me if I tried.

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