27 February, 2008

Home bound

Today I stayed home from work as I was in too much pain this morning. My whole right side was just flipping out. The weather was bad yesterday and add the lack of sleep and stress, it's the "magic" combination for a flare-up.
I actually went back to sleep and slept till about 11.30! Guess my body really needed it.

I did go to the pool yesterday, and it was good. I stayed in for a little longer, almost 30 minutes this time. At one point my right hip started to hurt whilst I was in the pool but then it went away so I just kept on plugging along. Last night when I was in bed watching telly my left hip started a stabbing sort of pain right in the joint. Such fun! But I finally did fall asleep, sans drink or my sleeping pill, so that was an accomplishment.

I am meant to go to PT later, but am going to see if I can go in earlier as I don't really feel like going at all, so if I have to wait till 6 I can't see it happening. We'll see if they can accommodate me.

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