10 April, 2008

Not sure

about what this medicine is doing. Yesterday I was feeling very good. Walked a lot and wasn't even in pain afterwards. Then today I got to work and started feeling pretty achy all over again. I'm very confused as to what the cause is. It's lovely out and warm, though I think it may rain tomorrow, and it did last night, so that's always a possibility. Plus I didn't sleep too well. We shall see. I have been taking the Mobic 7.5mg 1x/day and a 500mg Tylenol in the afternoon as directed. Still not keen on upping the dosage of either until I have reached the two week mark, that's how long the doctor said it takes to really work. I am going to the pool after work so will see how that goes.

I sent the PT people an email on the 7th asking if they'd sent the letter to my insurance company but still haven't heard anything back from them. Hmph!

But on the brighter side of life - I am discovering that some of my trousers that hadn't been fitting last year are now fitting - some good comes out of everything! :-)

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