07 April, 2008

So far...

I did take a pill yesterday. I took one, and only one. Then I took a Tylenol later. One of those only as well. I don't believe in this "more is better" theory with drugs. Then again, I hate drugs. Well, except when they shoot me up post-up with Demerol and my lidocaine patches. There has to be an exception to everything, right?

Anyway, felt so-so this weekend. Achy but not as bad as last Wed-Fri. My shoulder has been popping around like it was, well, I can't really compare it to anything. Nothing else I know quite pops like it does. Sleep has been crap, even with the magic pills. I am afraid to think that they've stopped working. Then again I've a lot on my mind with this website design stuff and trying to locate all my negs from university. Where could they have gone? I am going to dig up my mothers basement next week when I'm home. Even though I've looked everywhere I could think of, I will have to do it again. Stress! Anyway, getting back to el crappo body. Today achy, random knee, hip, hand alternating but could be the weather/sleep/stress combo. I did take another Mobic today, and will take one Tylenol in a bit.

Went to the gym at lunch and did 20 minutes on the bike, no tension, and then 30 leg presses with just 30lbs. I should go ice, totally forgot to when I got back. So we will see how that goes. Have been doing the bridges with the ball at home, and going to the pool (well, went on Friday and didn't make it over the weekend, but will go tomorrow.)

Still looking for a new body if anyone sees any for sale... :-)

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