04 April, 2008


Rang the rheumatologist Dr. Meng yesterday and she thinks that the Mobic is not causing more pain, and I should DOUBLE the dosage. I am a bit weary about this but will try it. Also to take 1000mg of Tylenol every day. I am turning into a druggie. She was helpful with the insurance appeal and wrote a good letter to them, which I forwarded to my S at the PT office to include. I also forwarded the letter to Dr. Kelly's office for them to keep on file in case the insurance co contacts them, and also to show them what they could have written. I also asked him where the insurance co got the idea my strength was 4/5. Haven't heard back yet.

That's it for now because I feel like my body has been run over by 10 mack trucks and I can barely move. If only I could stay home today. Or move to a warm, dry climate. That is getting more and more appealing by the second.

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