01 May, 2008

getting better every day

Well, for now that is. Monday was bad, but Tuesday was a nightmare. I barely slept, and then could barely move in the morning when I was meant to get up. I had to take a sick day and even order food in. I hate days like that. Jumping out of a window was looking better every moment. Between my lack of sleep and the weather it was the worst I've felt in a v. long time.

It's funny, my friend Jodi said on Sunday when we were out that I'm like the energizer bunny - I just keep going. I certainly don't think of myself that way, and definitely don't feel like it this week. Still, I guess I am happy that it seems like that to others. I'm not a particular fan of whinging.

Yesterday morning I was up v. early as I still was having trouble sleeping, so I went to the PT pool before work. That was a great thing and I was sorry I had to leave it and go to the office. The water is over 90' and just feels so good. By yesterday afternoon I started to feel somewhat human again. I did a little walking for errands after work but there was no way I'd have made it all the way home, so hopped on a bus at 60th Street. My right hip is still a bit wonky this week.

Today I had my massage and that was wonderful. I wish I could have that every day. I am going to the pool after work, the nice, hot pool. Looking forward to that. And then meeting up for a bevvy afterwards. I am really hoping those weather people are wrong with there upcoming forecast as I'm just starting to feel okay again.

The only thing I heard back from the PT people were that they were going to follow up, but still haven't heard a thing back. Will bug them again now methinks.

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