07 October, 2008


Yes I've been MIA for quite some time now. From mid-August till the beginning of September I was in my own world. I just didn't have the energy to deal with everything going on. I will give a quick recap for the past few weeks:

18-24 August: went to pool 3x that week, and cut my hair off. I needed a change in so many ways, and that one was the easiest! Then again, I didn't really have much of a say. Avi, my hairdresser, decided I was long overdue, and well, there is no arguing with him. That weekend I was out pre-celebrating my birthday, which I overdid - way too much. You don't realise how that sangria hits you until it's too too late. Had an appointment with Dr. A, to check my wound - he said it was ok but the day before it didn't look so ok.

25-31 August: was good again and did pool 3x. Continued to celebrate within reason for the most part, until the weekend. Oops. I did do some samba dancing though which I thought was quite impressive for my hip. The hip let me enjoy myself for a bit and then decided it was time to sit back down. But still, no long term suffering which was a v. good thing.

1-7 September: pool 2x that week. Yet another appointment with Dr. A to check the wound that would not heal. He says it was doing okay, even though I was in more pain than I had been in for a few weeks (not counting the cauterization).

8-14 September: Big accomplishment - I biked from my flat to BB&B, which is a little over 2 miles. I was very proud of the hip, it held up quite nicely, even with a few inclines that were on First Ave. Pool again 3x.

15-21 September: Pool only 2x this week. I had to go to the dentist to have a crown made for my last root canal, the one that went horribly wrong. Yes, it was almost a year ago, but after all that agony I was quite happy to not have anyone muck up my mouth again. It was agony and then I had to stay for a cleaning as well. Thankfully I took half a pain pill beforehand so that helped a little bit. My TMJ was a mess for the week after, and still is a bit now come to think of it.

22-28 September: very bad - didn't go to the pool all week. To be fair, Thursday night I had a pretty bad onset of my FMS and by the weekend was almost completely bed/couch bound. Between my exhaustion and stress and the weather I felt absolutely dreadful. I did somehow manage to pull it together enough to make challah on Sunday though. Not quite sure how I pulled that off, but I was determined.

29-30 September - 5 October: pool 2x this week. It was difficult with all the running around back and forth to the island for the holidays, and then again on the weekend for the dentist. I had my crown fitted and also decided to get a night guard as my teeth seem to be catching the brunt of my nighttime grinding. Hopefully this one will be better than the one I had ages ago and it will do some good. It sure costs enough! But to add to the excitement of the holiday, during shul on Tuesday I started to feel icky. I thought my tummy had gone off so went to the loo, but it wasn't that. To spare you the details, the short of it is I had a surprise UTI. I can't remember the last time I had one, so was pretty flipped out when I started to see blood. Thankfully my sister in law knew what to do and sorted me out until I was able to see the doctor the next day. Yes I had a bad UTI and had to go on a major dose of antibiotics. Oh joy!

As for this week so far, it's been pretty icky. Yesterday I had a visit with a neurologist, Dr. Fatimi. When I had my physical a few weeks back, my doctor recommended me to one so we could check out all this tingling/pins and needles down my right arm/hand and the twitching in my left finger. She decided I needed an MRI for my neck and an EMG test. For those not familiar, please see the video below. I'm still not convinced after watching it that it isn't more painful than they are portraying, but that's because I do not trust anyone in the medical profession anymore after all of the pain they've inflicted on me. But hey, that's just me.

EMG NCS test

Currently the doctor thinks I might have carpal tunnel. I've thought I've had that for a while, but the pain I've been having daily for the last few months feels different than that, so we shall see. (As a side note, my right hand by the thumb area has been killing me the last couple of weeks. The injection that Dr. Melone gave me definitely wore off. I know he said that I would need surgery if the injection didn't last, and not sure if I should do that now or wait. I am going to see what the EMG study shows first about carpal tunnel and then make an appointment to see him. He said it would be an easy surgery compared to what I've had in the past, but I need more detailed information on that.) The doctor was pretty young and I am not sure I am that keen about her, but I will give it a little time. Then again, whenever I meet a doctor they usually think I'm barmy because of the multitude of issues I have. It's hard to find a good doctor that has a clue. Anyway, she said that if I do have carpal tunnel she would give me a splint to wear at night. I said I've already got that. She also mentioned Lyrica and when I told her I'd only heard bad things from people who have taken it, she said she had seen good results. Since I don't really trust doctors and I definitely don't trust pharmaceutical companies, and I do believe real people stories, I am not going to go that route. It's bad enough I'm taking Mobic now - though I really need to remember to take it every day, I think it's a subconscious thing that I forget it. I told her I would prefer non-medicated ways to treat whatever the issue is, and she did say PT could be something as well as massage therapy. Now that is something I can get on board with!

Of course when I returned to the office there were messages from my regular doctor. The results of the pee test came back and the lab claims that the bacteria in me would not be destroyed by the antibiotics I am on. So, since neither my doctor nor I wanted to try more drugs just for the sake of it, I have to go back on Friday for another pee test to see if the bacteria have been killed or if I really do need to start another course of antibiotics.

I'm starting to wonder how I have not ended up in a loony bin at this point.

I think that is all, but my memory has been crap. Yesterday the neurologist asked me if I had a doctor treating my FMS and I was like - on no, didn't like the last one and haven't got a new one. Daft git I am - of course I have a new one, the one that put me on Mobic. It was pretty embarrassing to have to tell her that I forgot.

Oh - never heard again from Dr. Kelly's office about rescheduling, and I'm in no rush to go back there. Still v. mad that they did not help me one bit in fighting the insurance about cancelling my PT. Also had an appointment w/ Dr. A scheduled for last Friday, but his office cancelled it, and I have not been bothered about ringing them back to reschedule either. I am so bored with all of this medical rubbish!

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