22 January, 2009

first PT session

I am pretty sore from last nights session, and my neck on the right is in pain. It's amazing that even though we didn't do too much, it really made muscles that forgot they were there react. Iced for ten minutes after as well. I've been given four exercises to do every day:

1)on back w/ towel roll at base of skull, tuck chin and hold for 3 seconds. 10 reps/2x day
2)sit w/ good posture, keep face forward, tip ear toward shoulder and hold for 20 seconds. 2 reps/2-3x day
3)stand w/ arms at side, pinch shoulder blades together and hold for 5 seconds. 10 reps/2x day
4)lie on belly w/ arms in diamond shape above head, thumbs to ceiling, lift one elbow up and slowly lower down, repeat on other side. 10 reps/ 2x day

I sure felt them even though it doesn't seem like much. Not happy about the pain today but I have to start somewhere. The PT person said it was a good thing to do the acupuncture and strengthening at the same time. I have to be careful though and just do minimal stretching and no heavy weights for strengthening. At present I am set to go twice a week until the end of February. We shall see how it goes.

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