29 May, 2009

No one likes to be pinched!

I saw the chiro on Wednesday at lunch. The massage and stretching I went through was v. painful, they were trying to loosen up the muscles in the trapezius and neck. Next day still in as much pain though. Went again yesterday at lunch. Went through the same beating up - it was like being on the rack. Still in agony. Icing every hour or more per chiro. Last night went to acupuncturist. He definitely thinks it's the muscles putting pressure on the nerves and my stenosis. He did a lot of needling and hit some majorly tender trigger points and released them. He said not to ice last night but can today. Also suggested Naproxen and as I magically had some lying around I took one last night and another this am. I am feeling very mildly better today but it still hurts a lot and walking is still one of the most unpleasant things I can think of at the moment. I am going back to the chiro in about an hour. The acupuncturist said it would be a good idea as he is hoping after loosening up the muscles last night, the chiro will be able to realign my spine and get the pressure off the nerves. Here's praying it works as it's Friday and I will be s.o.l. until Monday. Also on Monday a friend will be in town for her first visit here and I really don't want to be a misery when she's over. Fingers crossed I am greatly improved in the next few hours!

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