07 October, 2007

One step forward, two steps back

At least that is what it feels like at times. I have slept the last two nights but only because I've taken my "magic" pills. I am trying to get as much sleep as possible to get ready for next week.

My mother and I did a 'test run' to the office on Friday. I was originally going to do it during rush hour, but since I hadn't slept that night and was so sick from the pain killers, it was delayed for a few hours. We ended up leaving about 12.10 pm from the flat. I had to walk one block to the crosstown bus, take that to 6 long blocks to the Park, and then switch to a downtown bus. There was a lot of traffic from road works. We finally reached my stop, got off and walked a block and a half to the office. The whole trip took over an hour. I was pretty wiped out when we got to the office, but at least I made it. I waited there for a bit to see one of my coworkers who was out to lunch, and also thought to ring Dr. Kelly's office to see if they had the surgical report yet. After a couple of calls they finally faxed it to me. I will see if I can post it as the PDF or will have to retype it all. I was also extremely relieved to find out that my bosses will be out on Monday and that M arranged for me to work from home. It felt like a stay of execution - not that work is horrid, just getting there at present is quite a workout.

After we left the office we stopped to get something to eat, I had just a little as I was still queasy from the pain meds, and then we took the bus up Madison. It was not even rush hour but the bus, when it finally did show up, was absolutely packed. No matter when I take this bus line it seems to always be delayed and always be packed like a sardine can. I had to ask a not very happy looking girl to get up so I could sit down. Unfortunately my mother had to stand and I felt so bad, she was getting jostled all about. Some woman decided to step on my right foot with all of her weight for a minute or so, she seriously wouldn't move, put all of her weight on it, till I finally let out with an expletive! My toe throbbed for over an hour. It's like constantly getting beat up, no matter how hard you try.

Yesterday was a bit of a late start, but we didn't have any place to go so it was ok. I had some pictures from my Gran's flat that we needed to hang so we did that. A friend was meant to come by but never heard from her so we went across the street to Starbucks and sat outside for a couple of hours, then I tried to walk around a little bit. I am still wearing my brace as I feel much more secure with it and the doctor told me that I should wear it as long as I feel so. We ended up going to a German restaurant near me, and even though it was early the place was very crowded as it is Oktoberfest. It was pretty good but very expensive. And it also delayed my return to my flat. I normally love my flat but am so tired of it.

Think I will go eat some breaky and do my PT. I have to go shopping later to get lunch supplies for the week also. My mother is going home today and I am stressed about that. She has been a life saver these last few weeks. I wish I had some dosh so I could send her on a well deserved and earned holiday, this year has been rough for her, not even including my surgery. I should start playing the lottery! My friend T is meant to stay with me tonight and for at least part of the week, so I won't be completely alone which is good. I am getting around better in the house but I still feel better if someone is around for the time being. It's all so stressful.

On one other note, this has been a very difficult recovery, not just the hip itself, but all of my other body issues (hands, shoulders, etc). I would like to thank those people who spent time with me. Even a brief visit was such a welcome break from the monotony of this slow recovery - so just wanted to say thank you.

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