23 September, 2007

pain is getting worse

I am not sure why the pain is getting worse, but it seems to be. Yesterday I took it easy and barely did anything other than my rehab routine. I iced with the GameReady for a while, did the CPM for two hours and then after dinner did my PT. The exercises hurt even more than the first day I had to do them. Agony was an understatement.

After watching telly for a bit with my mother I did another hour of the GameReady hoping to numb my leg up before bed. We then decided I should take a second pain pill, hoping this would help me sleep through the night, or at least most of it.

I passed out about 11.30 pm and then at 12.30 am woke up with a start! I have no clue what woke me but whatever it was made me jump, which is not good for my hip at all. I have been getting leg spasms, supposedly from the psoas release, and it's driving me mad. I fell back to sleep and then slept till about 4.45 am. After I go up to go to the loo I was in pain so decided to take two more pain pills hoping I'd pass out again. Sadly this was not the case. I would sleep for a few minutes and then wake up again, this went on till about 8 am. I was feeling (am still actually) incredibly wonky from the pills so just vegged for a bit and finally just ate something. I'm now thinking the two pains pills wasn't the best idea. I think between the pain and not being able to move around whilst I sleep is what is keeping me up at night. Normally I sleep like a wild woman, all over the place and wake up in pretzel-like positions. Sleeping on my back is just making me ache all over even more. I tried sleeping on my left side again with a pillow between my legs but that doesn't seem to work for me.