06 February, 2009

the last couple of weeks

I've been going to PT every Monday and Wednesday, swimming in between, and last night I had another acupuncture session.

PT is going slowly, but I believe forward. I've been working on strengthening my core, and doing a couple of stretches, but not too many. Originally the PT was icing my neck after but that seemed to make my muscles spasm a lot. We tried heat a couple of visits ago and that seemed to not irritate the muscles nearly as much.

The acupuncture hurt more than usual last night, not sure why. I am sore and a bit stiff today but not too bad. I am planning on going swimming after work, that usually helps a bit.

A couple of Saturdays ago I went out dancing. I know, I'm totally not supposed to do that. I was feeling pretty good, and we went to a place that was having an 80's dance night. That's my favourite kind of music, especially when they started playing all of the Brit 80's. I went a bit wild for about an hour or so and just let loose. It was a great feeling, though at a certain point my body told me that it was time to go home. I did pay for it pretty bad the next few days, and I know the long term effects are bad, but it was worth it. I can't see myself doing that on a frequent basis, but it was definitely good for the psyche!