4 weeks later and here's the scoop...
*I am still (frustratingly) on crutches. Most "normal" people would be off them by now, but because of multitude of issues, I am to stay on them for longer, though no one can seem to say when. The dr says "when I can walk with no pain and no limp". That being said, I have been wobbling around my flat w/o the crutches, and even did a silly thing and climbed the step stool so I could get my electric heater as it's been freezing in my flat. Stupid, yes, but I was desperate. One cannot describe how much I hate those bloody crutches, there are no words for it.
*Because of the crutches, my knees, shoulders, left hip and my hands/wrists have been beyond unhappy. This should not be taken by the average person as something they would experience, again it's just because of my other medical issues.
*Carrying packages is an issue when shopping, and I have been fortunate to have someone to help the last few weeks. This week is my first all by myself, and so far I have not had to go to the shops. My advice is to have someone stock up for you when they can.
*I can finally get my socks and shoes on w/o the assistance of the sock puller thingy and long shoe horn. I count this as a great accomplishment!
*I am still wearing my brace to and from places, but take it off when I am at work. The dr said that I should use this as long as I feel it is helping to support me. I had that reinforced on Friday night when I decided I was NOT going to wear my brace out, and only had a couple of blocks to walk. Unfortunately I had the wrong street in my head and we had to walk an extra long block up a hill. I was shot all around after that and my hip did hurt me for the rest of the weekend. To make up for it I stayed in and did nothing all day Sunday!
*Sitting all day is difficult, and I am meant to get up every 45 minutes to walk around. Getting up to use my crutches is the least appetizing thing I can think of, so it gets spaced out a bit more. I brought two ice packs with me to work and use them on and off all day long on both my hips to keep the swelling down.
*This week I start PT twice a week. I went last night and was pretty sore from the exercises and manual manipulation. The good news is I did 20 minutes straight on the bike!
*I was going to try to take the bus to and from work, but to be honest I have not made the best start with that. I am constantly exhausted so have been taking cabs, which is tres expensive, but sometimes more convenient than waiting and getting on and off multiple buses.
*Sleeping is still not great, but for me it never was. I have been taking pills to help sleep the last two nights, but on Fri and Sat did not need to as I was so tired, and had also drunk wine which helped!
That's about all I can think of now.
PS-I want to say a HUGE thanks to my friend T who spent last week looking after me, and was in all the way from Holland! I'm very lucky to have a friend like her.
*I am still (frustratingly) on crutches. Most "normal" people would be off them by now, but because of multitude of issues, I am to stay on them for longer, though no one can seem to say when. The dr says "when I can walk with no pain and no limp". That being said, I have been wobbling around my flat w/o the crutches, and even did a silly thing and climbed the step stool so I could get my electric heater as it's been freezing in my flat. Stupid, yes, but I was desperate. One cannot describe how much I hate those bloody crutches, there are no words for it.
*Because of the crutches, my knees, shoulders, left hip and my hands/wrists have been beyond unhappy. This should not be taken by the average person as something they would experience, again it's just because of my other medical issues.
*Carrying packages is an issue when shopping, and I have been fortunate to have someone to help the last few weeks. This week is my first all by myself, and so far I have not had to go to the shops. My advice is to have someone stock up for you when they can.
*I can finally get my socks and shoes on w/o the assistance of the sock puller thingy and long shoe horn. I count this as a great accomplishment!
*I am still wearing my brace to and from places, but take it off when I am at work. The dr said that I should use this as long as I feel it is helping to support me. I had that reinforced on Friday night when I decided I was NOT going to wear my brace out, and only had a couple of blocks to walk. Unfortunately I had the wrong street in my head and we had to walk an extra long block up a hill. I was shot all around after that and my hip did hurt me for the rest of the weekend. To make up for it I stayed in and did nothing all day Sunday!
*Sitting all day is difficult, and I am meant to get up every 45 minutes to walk around. Getting up to use my crutches is the least appetizing thing I can think of, so it gets spaced out a bit more. I brought two ice packs with me to work and use them on and off all day long on both my hips to keep the swelling down.
*This week I start PT twice a week. I went last night and was pretty sore from the exercises and manual manipulation. The good news is I did 20 minutes straight on the bike!
*I was going to try to take the bus to and from work, but to be honest I have not made the best start with that. I am constantly exhausted so have been taking cabs, which is tres expensive, but sometimes more convenient than waiting and getting on and off multiple buses.
*Sleeping is still not great, but for me it never was. I have been taking pills to help sleep the last two nights, but on Fri and Sat did not need to as I was so tired, and had also drunk wine which helped!
That's about all I can think of now.
PS-I want to say a HUGE thanks to my friend T who spent last week looking after me, and was in all the way from Holland! I'm very lucky to have a friend like her.