is what I do. All the time. Yesterday I went to the pool. It was the lovely, heated one on 34th. It is usually calm and peaceful but there was some wackadoo who decided to do laps in a pool where you can't really do laps, and he was quite the splasher! It wasn't so much swimming as creating a jacuzzi effect. It did make it harder for me to walk which was probably a good thing, and also inhale a lot of pool water! Seriously this guy was out of control. It was almost comical, but too dangerous to laugh as you'd swallow the waves of water!
Anyway, the hips felt reasonably okay for most of it. At one point the right was not happy but thankfully it calmed down. After I went to meet a friend at Uva for some bevvies, so didn't get to ice, but still seemed okay. Today I went at lunch to do the bike and the leg press. So far so good.
Ok, back to sussing out CSS tables and such. This has been keeping me v. busy lately. Just when I think I've grasped it, there's a curve ball lined up. But I think I've got a good general idea of the basics so at least it's making more sense to me now. And it will be good to know so when I do get a program like Dreamweaver or such I will understand how to tweak what I want done. Still waiting for my scanner, but have found an alternative source so fingers crossed I will have it from there in the not-too-distant future. When I do get the site sorted I will post the address. So between this and cleaning the flat for Pesach and coming up with a menu for next weeks Seder, I will be having a v. busy weekend!