Yesterday I wasn't too gimpy, a v. good sign. But at PT we still took it easy as K checked the hips and feels it's just more inflammation and thinks I should start taking the anti-inflammatories again, even if it's just for a bit. Of course I forgot them today with all the insanity of last night and lack of sleep, but will take some extra Advil and try that for the day.
We limited most of the exercises yesterday. I still did leg raises (side and back) without weights and clam shells with a three pound weight. Also did bridges with the ball and stim (6lbs on right and 2lbs on left - started at 3 but it was hurting my knee too much), and resistance with K and then he stretched me. I am planning on going to the pool after work. I thought that might be causing the pain but A, the other PT, said that just 25 minutes and what I'm doing shouldn't really do that. But then again, I have such a unique body anything is possible. I will try to pay more attention tonight and afterwards to see what happens.
And possibly I will get the courage up to go see a dentist as my jaw is only getting worse.