11 October, 2007

Again with the lack of sleep

Yesterday I had another PT appointment. I was pretty knackered before I even got there. I sit mostly at work but was told to move around every 45 minutes, which I am sure has stretched out to longer. I just don't have the energy as the crutches are wiping me out and killing my hands. When I left for PT, the timing was bad as all the cabs were "off duty". I was ready to cry until finally a nice cabbie that was off duty stopped to ask where I was going and he was kind enough to give me a lift. The walk to PT from my office is about two long blocks and four short blocks, but there is NO WAY I could have made that on crutches. I am so tired from the crutches, I think you really expend a lot more energy with them than just walking normally.

Pain and torture was excruciating yesterday. I did the bike for 15 minutes, and then some internal rotation and kneeling on the table. When K, one of my PT's, came over, I told him that my psoas has been REALLY tight and driving me nuts. His response was that we have to keep it tight per the Dr. I said yes I know that but the Dr also said that he wants it to move smoothly, not just get stuck with extremely limited ROM. I understand it's a fine line, but I can't have this feeling forever because it will drive me nuts, but I also don't want the laxity to get to where it was before the surgery. I'm losing my mind. So K massaged the psoas and then all of the scars, and started stretching me A LOT more than has been done. It was uncomfortable but bearable, until all of a sudden I had a shooting pain down the outside of my hip. I don't know what triggered it but it lasted about 5-10 minutes as was horrible. After that and some manual resistance exercises with K I did the electrical stim for about 10 minutes and then iced. I am spending about 2 hours from start to finish there.

After I finally changed and got all of my things together, I went down to go home. I didn't even entertain the thought of a cab as it was rush hour so was beyond pleasantly surprised when I reached the corner and saw an available one. He was so nice he even got out to open the door for me. It was such a relief to not have to take the bus home. I was a zombie by the time I got back to my flat so ordered some (not very healthy) dinner but I didn't care. I spent the evening on the couch and then decided to take a muscle relaxer for my psoas. I must have been in more pain all over than I thought because that didn't even knock me out. My fibro is flaring up something awful with this crappy weather and my whole body is aching, which is why I didn't sleep. When the alarm went off this morning and could barely move. I can't say "when I woke up" because I had been up for ages. It took me an hour or so to just get up to get to the loo. Thankfully my friend T is staying with me this week and was able to help get me sorted and then we took a cab down to work.

So I am sitting here taking a break and have ice on both my hips, but wish I had more ice packs for my hands and shoulders. I wish I could have just stayed in bed today but will go home straight after to rest and will try my "magic pill" tonight so hopefully some sleep will be in order.

Next week I start PT twice a week, G-d give me strength!