I cannot believe it's been just over nine weeks since surgery, and six weeks since I've been back at work. Where does the time go?
I am learning that slow and steady does seem to be the key for me, though my patience level is barely existent. On Monday I told the PT dude that after last weeks workout with the (only 1 lb!) weight on my left leg, my left hip hurt for days. I said I thought it was the isometric side and back leg lifts and he agreed. This time I did those leg lifts sans weight and it seemed ok, so I'm thinking it was exactly that. My right side we did 1 lb weight for the leg lifts and it seems ok. For the leg lifts with the stim (on the right side) we are still using the bolster and did 3 lbs on the left and 6 lbs on the right. Slow and shaky at first but eventually it got smoother.
The good news is I was told I can start walking short distances sans crutches. He suggested that I can try to go to the corner store, but if I'm running around to bring it with me in case I get tired or sore. The main thing is to not irritate and cause inflammation in the joint. I was hoping to be off the crutches by yesterday, that was my goal, but I supposed this is a compromise I can (or rather will have to) live with. My new goal is to be completely off them by 28th of December, when I leave for London. I really do not want to have to bring this blasted thing with me. I will try to be better about PT as well, as with all the other insanity going on like my nightmare root canal, I became quite lax about it.
Happy Thanksgiving!