14 April, 2008

I made it

but damn my groin on the right side is KILLING me. Been icing for over 20 mins and it still hurts!
Guess I finally pushed it too far.

UPDATE: 4 hours later and hip is wanting lidocaine. Uh oh.

Busy me

and happy about it. The past few days I've definitely been pushing myself. Well, pushing myself in the terms of my particular body.

Friday I went to the gym at lunch. I did about 20 minutes on the bike and then 30 leg presses. I felt pretty good with that. After work I stopped at the bookshop to see if they had a good book on CSS. There is actually a limit to the information you can find on the Internet! Who knew??? Anyway, of course the section I needed was on the bottom, so I was squatting for a long time. Well it seemed like a long time when your right hip doesn't like to be in that position. But I muddled through, and did find a good book. At least that's what the checkout dude implied when he said it was the book he is using as a textbook for class. So far it does seem pretty good though. Hopefully it will help me with the one area I can't seem to suss out. Anyway, afterwards I think I iced for a bit and then decided it was time to clean the pantry. That took a while, but it was so needed. I disposed of many things I didn't even realise I had buried in there. Every year right before Pesach I do a mass cleaning of the pantry and kitchen. I decided my hip had been through enough in one day and would start on the kitchen the next morning.

Accordingly my body woke me up early, I guess it was very motivated! I cleaned that kitchen for over 2 hours and still wasn't done. If you saw the size of my kitchen you wouldn't believe me! I had to take a break to ice my various body parts. Then it was back to work. It definitely was my workout for the day. Afterwards I dusted the whole flat as well. I just have to do the bathroom. Been putting that off because it will be a whole night ordeal. Being a Virgo when I get started on something it has to be very thorough. It has its good and bad quirks to it. Saturday night my ice and I relaxed and took it easy. We deserved it! Though my body for some reason thought otherwise and didn't let me have a proper sleep!

Sunday I just was too sore to start doing the bathroom, so decided to start reading my new HTML/CSS book. I read through a few chapters, then decided to go to the pool. It was heaven at first as no one else was in the pool for the first half of my workout. No splashing, loud noises, nothing. Pure heaven and so relaxing. I was trying to push it a bit with the walking. It's hard to walk fast in the water but I tried more than usual. I wanted to see how much I could push the hips. After I was a bit sore, but went home and iced like a good girl. Was still achy but the weather was also a bit crap so that wasn't helping.

So that leaves today. I didn't go to the gym as I thought I should take it easy, however that decision didn't last too long as now I've decided I should try to walk home and see how it goes. I still have to figure out part of the menu for Saturday, and order the groceries, but think the walk should be good.