I'm not sure if my bad night was from too much walking/standing on Wednesday, the car ride on Thursday or a combination of both. Whichever it all equaled a rough night. I was exhausted and went to bed about 9.30 pm. I woke up in major pain around 11.40 pm. I couldn't believe it was only two hours since I'd gone to bed. I woke up again around 1 am and then around 5 am, then 7 am. I was in a lot of pain and discomfort as well as my back aching and my shoulders and wrists hurting from the crutches. I took a shower when I first got up to try to deal with the aching muscles all over, then used the GameReady for an hour or so to freeze my hip a bit. I just took a nap for about an hour and an half as I couldn't keep my eyes open. I am so glad that I do not have to go to work as there is no way I could handle it right now.
Currently I am waiting for my mum to return so I can do the CPM and my PT exercises. She's been an awfully long time, I am beginning to think she's run off! Can't say I'd blame her at this point, she was up with me all night!