Getting back to hip related items...
My right hip has not been to happy lately. I think it's from a combination of leaning on my right side so much because of surgery (yes, my bum is still killing me when I sit on it), and last week I forgot to take my Mobic. Well, didn't really forget, but was afraid to take it too soon after surgery as I didn't know if it would make me bleed more. I started it again yesterday, so we will see how that goes. Dr. Aronoff's office rang this morning to cancel my post-op on Thursday. The woman first said she would give me an appointment the week after, and when I expressed my concern about waiting and really wanting to see him this week, she got all snipish. I know it's Monday morning, but come on. Finally she conceded and got me in for Wednesday. It was strange, they're usually very nice there.
I haven't really slept the last two nights so hoping I can sleep tonight! Well, at least it's a short week this week!