04 June, 2008


Just spoke to Dr Aranoff and he said since there's still an abscess I have to come in for him to drain it and possibly put a clamp on it??? I have no idea what that means. Tomorrow at 11.45 is the designated time. He says it will be quick and I can come back to work after, and it needs to be done as he couldn't do the fistulotomy until it is cleared up anyway (he hadn't mentioned that before), so I don't have a choice -what else is new!?!

Also he said that since my drs want me to have a colonoscopy, that I should maybe do it b/f the surgery too. I will discuss that with him tomorrow but am not looking forward to that prospect.
Have I mentioned how much fun it is to be me lately???


After my dr's appointment last night, I have a list of questions to ask Dr. Aranoff about the upcoming surgery. My dr. wants me to see if he would do a colonoscopy at the same time, so I wouldn't have to be put out twice. I don't know if I'm up for this, but I will ask. She and my internist want to discover why this all happened.

I also wanted to ask some other q's re: anesthesia, wound care, etc. My dr. wanted me to tell him also that the abscess is about the size of a cherry now and not oozing much as the current wound is almost completely healed over. So I really don't have a clue if I will be making it till the 20th or going in sooner. I did just realise that Dr. A is out of the office today so I won't hear back till tomorrow. Fun fun fun.

At least I slept last night, I love those klonopins! First time I've slept through the night since I can remember. I knew the weather was going to be crap today so felt like I should at least get some sleep. Still pretty groggy though. Thankfully it's dead at the office so I don't have to worry. Tomorrow & Friday the big guys are in so it will be much busier.