I made it to the pool yesterday to my own surprise. It was so cold out that I was very tempted to just go home. I went to the "aqua therapy" pool on 34th that my gym has. It's small, but the brilliant thing is it's 90', perfect for my fibro and yesterday after work it was EMPTY! Completely empty! A beautiful thing. I was in for about 25 minutes and had the whole place to myself. And the lifeguard said that it is usually quiet on Thursdays, so I will definitely be making that a habit.
I felt pretty good for the most part, except when I turned my right hip popped, but I think that was more the IT band than anything else. I was extremely sore for a while last night right in the joint on my right hip but then it thankfully went away. Left is still so-so and I'm still a little limpy.