I pretty much knew in advance what she was going to say, but with her positive spin on things she really knows how to make you feel better.
So do I have a genetic condition? Dr. Davis, whom I can't recommend highly enough, is very straight forward and direct. This is a quality I highly admire. I truly hate when people, especially doctors, jerk you around.
She said that whilst it can be confirmed or disproved that I have EDS, the likely hood is high, and that the only thing I can do is to moderate my life. Basically meaning no high wire stunts or climbing the Andes. I already realised this was not where my desires should be. The horseback riding is a hard pill to swallow even though I know it is v. v. bad for me. But such is life. She recommended that I don't do too much weight-bearing exercises and that aqua therapy would be the best thing to stick to. I had been hoping to get to the pool a couple weeks back but because of the hip irritation it hasn't happened yet. Hopefully soon.
I will try my best to preserve what I can for as long as I can, and that is all I can do.