03 June, 2008

37 weeks post-op

Has it really been that long? Mind-boggling, truly.

Yesterday I walked all the way home. I was definitely feeling it on the way but kept it up. I'm a bit sore today but not as bad as I thought I would be, v. happy about that.

I haven't had a chance to go to the pool yet, but am thinking that I will do that tomorrow. I really want to get in some exercise before I have to have the next surgery on the 20th. I know the doctor said I can go in the water afterwards but I'm not sure how I will feel so would like to get some pool time in now, just in case.

I had to change my appointment with Dr. Kelly that was on the 27th June back to the 18 July. It was the first appointment he had available in a time I could manage. I didn't think going to his office a week after I have the surgery would be good, since he likes bending my legs and hips all over the place. Trying to put off as much pain inducing actions as possible :-)

My bum is still not happy but I'm trying to get through the next 2+ weeks as the doctor had said it would be better to wait a bit. Hopefully (touch wood) I will be able to manage it.

Did get a letter regarding the insurance appeal, and it's in the works. Fingers crossed that I can at least go back to PT for a bit to see what my real strength is and what I should and shouldn't be doing. I know bike riding is not in the near future, but that's not because of my hip!