Wednesday was good, I went to the pool after work, then my SIL came in with my nephews. We went to see the balloons being blown up. Thursday we went to the parade, thankfully we had nice weather and it wasn't v. cold out. The only other time I have been to the parade it was FREEZING - I kept buying hot chocolates not to drink, but to keep my hands warm! I was feeling the same as I had been feeling, nothing hugely different, until Friday night when my back and neck started to tighten up. By Saturday I was in lots of pain and it just kept getting worse. Sunday afternoon I actually took a muscle relaxer when I got back to the city. Since I am so sensitive to drugs, and also b/c this particular drug had given me hallucinations in the past, I only took one pill, though the label said to take two. It was a good thing too, because it wiped me out. At least I made up for the lack of sleep I had the previous nights. I was passed out within half an hour, and completely zonked out. It definitely helped, but I can't possibly take that and think I can function. My neck and back are still killing me and unfortunately the chiro wasn't in on Monday. I can't go today but am going tomorrow. I hope I make it. It feels like someone has put a vice around my spine and is tightening it. Lovely, I know.
I did speak to one of the acupuncturists yesterday. She seems to think she can help me, and also works with a lot of other techniques other than dry needling (aka trigger point acupuncture; aka acupuncture physical medicine (APM). The other guy I heard back from only just graduated and I'm thinking I need someone with more experience. Another person I had emailed me responded saying I should see Mark Seem, who started the Tri-State College of Acupuncture. I left a message on his vm so we will see if I hear back. Otherwise I will see about the first lady, Roberta Mittman. She does seem a little more pricey than what I've been seeing, but I may not have a choice. It's incredible the amount of money you have to spend to feel better, even with bloody health insurance. Drives me batty to just think about it! I just really, really, really need to sort out my neck and back right now, it's absolutely killing me.