I just am SO wiped out still from yesterday and have this horrid headache now for four days and I'm sure it's all stress.
I spoke to Dr. P yesterday and he said after consulting with some colleagues they agreed that I should have a blood workup to make sure I don't have any underlying blood conditions. The reasoning for this is that because my vessels and tissues are so friable, they don't want me to form a haematoma whilst doing the spinal epidural, as then I would be paralyzed. I appreciate the caution, but it also delays everything. His assistant gave me a list of 3 haematologists but said that I needed to blood taken first so I could bring that with me and to go to my PCP as soon as possible. It didn't make sense to go to the PCP for blood when she had nothing to do with it, but the assistant sounded so sure I said ok. Being brain dead, I just do what I'm told. I rang up Dr. Rosen and her office said to come in. Which I did. And then I sat and waited for over an hour to see her. And whilst she's normally very understanding and accommodating, she was uncomfortable taking blood that she wasn't interpreting and not really knowing what was needed. Which I have to say I agree with. It didn't make sense to me and I did ask Dr. P's assistant over and over if she was sure that's what I should do. So I left and was quite disheartened. I picked up some food on the way back to the office as it was about half two at this point. When I got back I rang the first haematologist on the list from Dr. P. That dude was retired so the put me on to another dr. Of course my luck was that the person answering the phone was on her first day and knew nothing. She said she would have the other girl ring me back when she returned. In the meantime I rang Dr. P's office after finally inhaling my food, and filled them in. I then rang the next haematologist on the list, a Dr. Wu. Thankfully he was able to see me at 16.15!
Now you have to understand that throughout all of this I was under the impression I'd have some blood drawn, wait a couple of days and all would be groovy and I could go get the epidural. You have to imagine my surprise when Dr. Wu, after asking me a ton of questions about bleeding, explained the procedures. He first takes some blood and then sends it off for (I could have this backwards so excuse me) I believe the coagulation studies, which take a WEEK!!! THEN, after those results, he has to send me to a special lab at Beth Israel where they take more blood and do some sort of platelet study, which takes a couple of days. Whilst hearing all of this all my head is doing is calculating how soon I am actually going to be able to get this epidural. And it's not till after the 4th of July weekend by my calculations. All of this make me a very unhappy person.
So after I leave Dr. Wu's office, I ring Dr. P and get to speak to him. I was sort of flipping because no one had warned me about the length of time. He said he has to make sure about this and I do appreciate it because the worst cast scenario is that I bleed and get a haematoma on my spinal cord which would paralyse me. I don't really want that, but at the same time I am losing my mind from the pain. I'm at the point that I'm actually trying to convince myself it's all in my head and I'm imagining the pain. If only! So I ask Dr. P about Dr. Rosen's suggestion on trying neurontin, which he says is similar to Lyrica. I have been SO afraid of Lyrica because I've heard such horror stories. So he said sure he'll ring in a script for me. Groovy.
During the bus ride home though I was debating about it and when I got home I decided to go online and look up more info before I picked up the prescription. Very contradictory reports but some positive about nerve pain (the weight gain totally freaks me out) but in the end I decide to go ahead and try it. Ha, like anything is easy at this point. I get to the chemists and he tells me the doctor requested a specific number of pills, but the insurance co will only fill a lesser number. I said that is fine, as I am only going to try it for a week or two until I get an injection. He says ok, and puts it into the computer, which of course comes back saying that the doctor has to ring the insurance company for prior approval, and that can take 2-5 days. At this point I don't know how I didn't just fall on the ground and start wailing. I think I was too tired.
I rang my mother and ranted for a while, because everything that should just be simple isn't. I hate insurance companies and I really hope the President gets his public health care option, because we really do need to level the playing field here.
So that was my day from hell. I've emailed Dr. P today about the prescription problem, and I'm sure the pharmacist has rung him as well. So now it's a waiting game to see if I will get any relief or I will jump off a building waiting for some.
Venting for the day:
And if I hear one more person whinge about having a cold or the sniffles I just might kill them. Someone on FB yesterday went on and on about having a little cold and how he was sent home from work and was devastated. PERSPECTIVE PEOPLE. I know I'm not as bad as some people, but come on, a bloody cold!?!?!? Get over yourself!