I apologise for my lack of attention to the blog, but life has been mostly dull as of late. Work is tiring and two days a week after work I have PT, so I don't get home till 8ish. Yesterday I left PT w/o icing - I was so hungry I said I'd do it at home, but had to go eat. An apple beforehand didn't cut it obviously.
The good news is they told me I can start putting more weight on my right leg when walking with both crutches, and I can use one crutch whilst I am home, but must use two when I'm out. The bad news is this means nothing to me because I've been very naughty and have been walking around my flat now for a couple of weeks without any crutches at all. I have no patience. I am able to get around from room to room but rest a lot in between. If my hip starts to hurt I just ice it. (Speaking of which, I think I've become an human icicle - all I do is ice all day long at work). I am not sure that I could go out and walk around all day without the crutches yet, I don't feel strong enough. I asked K last week at PT if he thought I'd be off of my crutches in a month, and he said yes. That is my goal because my first theatre tickets are in a month and there is no way I want to deal with crutches in a tiny seating area - so fingers crossed he's right.
I had been wearing my brace to and from work, especially to protect me on public transport because you would not believe how rude and obnoxious some people can be even when you are on crutches! I found that it helped them from not pushing into or leaning on my hip because if they did they'd get a big metal bit in theirs. Today I decided, mostly because I knew I was going to take a taxi both ways, to try it without the brace. It was ok, but I definitely felt a bit more sore. I'll have to see what I will do when taking the bus again.
As for my PT last night - they kicked it up a notch or two. I started doing leg lifts that I haven't done since before my surgery. I am definitely sore from them, but in an achy type of way, which is okay as it shows I am finally working some muscles. Better achy and sore than the old stabbing pain.
I did contact Dr. Kelly's office to see if I was to renew the anti-inflammatory meds. These are very bad for me because of my GERD, so was hoping to be able to stop. Unfortunately they want me to stay on them at least until my next appointment. I also mentioned the my left hip is snapping like crazy (IT band most likely) when I walk and they said they'd discuss that at the next visit. I seriously do not think I can go through this again, so I am praying that my left hip steps up and behaves itself and stops wanting the attention!
My biggest issue is still not being able to sleep. It's definitely been worse sine the surgery, and it's either the discomfort (the rest of me is in agony from the crutches and compensation) or the fear that I will sleep in a position that will be bad for my hip. Trust me, I wake up in pretzel positions on a regular basis so and I've already woken up at least once with my right hip in a very bad position. I've been needing to take my "magic" pills on a more regular basis, which is not good because even if I take them early evening, I am wiped out the next day. I am hoping this will all work itself out as I improve.
The one thing I am looking forward to this week is my appointment with my chiropractor. He has these wonderful masseuses that do Active Release Therapy and my back and neck are in desperate need of this. Thursday can't come fast enough!