Yesterday I had a lovely outing sitting outside across the street at Starbuck's. It was the first time I've really gone out for anything other than to and from a place. We sat out there for a little over two hours which was huge for me as I have not been able to sit in a chair that long since surgery. Unfortunately the fresh air didn't help me sleep any better though. I would kill for a good 8 hours in-a-row of sleep. Again, not so much for the pain, which is getting better on the operated side (unlike the rest of my body which is getting worse), but lack of comfort. I was even desperate enough to try to sleep on my stomach, which didn't last very long.
Today I went for my post-op today and the sutures were removed. They told me that I couldn't shower for a day or two as when they remove the sutures they put a tape with some sort of sticky glue stuff on top and want that to stay put for a while. I wish I had known that as I had thought I would be able to take a shower after the visit, so neglected getting up early to take one before. Oh well.
Dr. Kelly came in afterwards and asked how I was doing and moved my right leg around. He said that I could cut the CPM down to one hour a day, but I asked if I needed to keep it because I would have to pay another $350 for two additional weeks. Thankfully he said that was fine to return it and I've seen the last of that machine - they are coming to pick it up today! He then showed me the pictures they took when they were doing the surgery. I cannot believe how red it was inside, really bright, bright red! He showed where I had a bone spur and where they shaved that off and the other bone that was shaved down as well, and also my psoas before and as they were cutting it. All very amazing to look at. Unfortunately the post op report was not typed up yet, but I was told I could ring them next week and they would fax it over. We went over my PT and he said he actually wants me to go very slow, and that my recovery would take about six months. I was not too surprised from this, but it was still not thrilled about it. The key thing is he wants my psoas to stay slightly tight since I have the laxity issue, but at the same time not scar up completely. It is a very fine line and my rehab is going to be very specific because of my multiple issues. He already told me to change one of the exercises I was told to do as he does not want me to externally rotate the leg too much. He said internal rotation is fine for now. I asked if he could reaffirm this with the PT guys as they were having a hard time believing me about having to do only two hours on the CPM and four. I also asked him why he had to make four incisions and he said that was because they had to get to the other side of the bone to cut it down. Fair enough I suppose. He said also to use the brace as long as I want because he doesn't want me to hurt at all. I am to try to put more weight on the leg but only as I can tolerate, it's very important to not inflame the hip. Regarding the crutches I will most likely be on them for a few more weeks. I kept laughing in my head when everyone kept saying I'd be on them only two to three weeks. I knew this was going to take a long time to be able to walk again without pain. But I don't want to mess up everything that was done so I will do exactly as I am told. The last thing I could deal with is having to go through this all again (poo poo, touch wood, etc.).
After I had been home for a couple of hours I noticed that one of the incision site tapes had liquidy stuff seeping through it. I just rang the office and spoke to Arianna. She said that sometimes the incisions open up after the sutures are taken up and that is should heal by itself, and to keep and eye on it and make sure it stays dry. Hopefully it will do this quickly.
I think that's it for now. I'm tired so going to have a bit of a kip if possible.