13 November, 2007

8 Weeks Post op

Sorry, these have become more like weekly updates.

Last Friday I went to see Dr. Kelly for a post op check up. He seemed happy with the way I am progressing, definitely a good thing. He said that I still should not try too much in PT, just focus on strengthening the muscles to help stabilise the joint. He thinks that around 4 or 5 months post op is when I can start pushing it up a notch.

I told him how my left hip has been bothering me a lot more. He still thinks part of it is compensatory, but I did remind him it was bad when I first came to see him about my right hip (just that the right was a hell of a lot worse at the time). He said to tell the PT guys to work on my left and stretch it out, as the IT band is popping a lot and it hurts on the outside of the joint.

Sunday I spent a long time on my feet shopping with my mum. I have not really tried that yet as Dr. Kelly kept saying to keep taking things very slowly. I was sore and achy and my left hip and left wrist (from the crutch) hurt like hell, but my right one held up pretty well. I iced as soon as I returned home and was just a bit stiff that night and yesterday. Not a bad test run at all I'd say. Once I get rid of this last crutch I hope it will be much better for my other body parts.

On the root canal front, I've just returned from the "final" visit with the endodontist. Fingers crossed that once the novocaine wears off I will be okay.