...my right shoulder. Well, it's been crap for years, and I had done some PT with it whilst doing my hip PT pre-surgery, mostly b/c I needed it to use the crutches for when I had my hip done. After surgery we forgot about it though. And now it's back, with a vengeance.
Last Wednesday at PT it subluxated when I was finished with one of the core exercises. I told the PT lady about that and then just ignored it. This past weekend I was out with some friends and I just moved slightly, not even my arm, just my upper body, and my right shoulder went CRACK! My friend sitting across the table from me heard it. I didn't realise how loud it was! It's not been very happy but it never is. Anyway, at PT last night I was telling the PT lady about what happened over the weekend and she wanted to take a look. She had me do an exercise and felt my right shoulder, and then the left. The left is okay, comparatively speaking, but she was amazed at how unstable the right shoulder was. Now I have been told I cannot swim with my arms, only use a kick board, until I strengthen and stabilise the shoulder joint. I'm telling you I am just so tired and over all of this constant battling, and it's never going to get better. I'm wiped out. Mentally, emotionally and physically. The one exercise I could still do and now I can't even do that! I was given (well more like made to purchase b/c insurance co's don't cover anything) a theraband and the PT gave me three exercises to start with. I really hope it doesn't take too long to stabilise it. UGH!