In honour of my thirteenth week of recovery, I decided to be brave and ditch the last crutch. Unlike most people I've had to use one for a much longer time. The idea was to keep down the inflammation in the surgical hip, and it did work. The main issue was it made my left hip very upset and inflamed.
Today is my third "official" day going sans crutch. It's been going pretty well. The main issues I've found are if I walk for a few blocks my hamstring starts to get tight and sore on the upper part, and the tendon under my right knee gets a bit irritated. My PT guys doesn't seem to concerned and I feel that the stronger I get it will work itself out. At least that's what I'm hoping. My psoas has been feeling a bit tight and we stretched it out at PT on Monday, and hopefully will do that again tonight. It's tricky for me as we don't want to overdue the stretching because of the EDS, but at the same time, it really needs to be done. I am going back to the genetic doctor in January so hopefully will get a better idea of what I should and should not be doing.
As for the left hip, it's not been too bad the last few days. Ironic as I'm getting an injection on Friday. I think it's very happy to be without the crutch and I am definitely more balanced so not putting most of my weight on it. It was pretty sore this am, but I also feel horrid and achy - it's my fibro kicking in. Sleep wasn't good for a few days and though I did fairly well the last two nights, the weather is a bit off where my body is concerned. I will have to make a concerted effort to get some good sleep in before I leave for London next week, as I don't want to start the trip off like this - the flight itself will be a challenge.
I am a bit nervous about the injection. I want it to make the pain go away, but at the same time, if it works, that means I will most likely need surgery. I am in no mental state to be able to handle that again, but at the same time I do want to get it over with so I can get on with my life. Ok, I'm not going to think about that now. As Scarlett says, tomorrow is another day...