I felt pretty good after PT last night, with the exception of my knee acting up a bit, but thankfully that didn't last too long. Today I have been good - no limping or gimping - which lead me to believe my conclusion about no balance board is correct. Doing the leg press yesterday was great though. I used to do it at the gym all the time, so it felt like a major improvement to me. Granted the weights were light, but you've got to start somewhere, and I did 3 sets of 10!
My hand/wrist has been bothering me today. We didn't really cover the idea of carpal tunnel at my last visit, so I'm hoping it's all just related to the inflammation where he injected me. And that it all goes away for good! I asked my PT people if they could get me some of the silly puddy stuff to use as Dr. Melone wants me to strengthen with it. Hopefully I will have it next week.
Also copied all of my lab tests, MRI results, surgery write-ups, etc today for the rheumatologist on Thursday. She's not going to know what hit her when I walk in!
Off to the pool again! :-)
And yes, I've remembered to take my anti-inflammatory drugs this week!