which has been a rare case around here lately. So...today being a day I needed to sort out my head, I put on my most favourite, the loveliest band in the whole universe. (Depeche for those of the unknowing ones). I didn't just put on their music, I really needed that extra umph to get me going, so I put on the dvd of their last tour, Touring the Angel (which I must say was one of their best ever!) So as I took a shower, made my matzoh brei and ate it, I slowly got into the music. After I dried my hair, some of their more rocking and dancing songs came on (for those of the disbelieving ones, trust me, Dave can really get down in concert) and I was just swept away. My left hip hadn't started hurting for the day, and my right was doing ok, and the next thing I realised was that I was dancing around the living room letting go of everything and just enjoying the moment. I actually felt normal, well, until after a couple of songs I could barely breathe - all that congestion is still there. But still, it was COMPLETELY BRILLIANT!!! I have not felt like a "normal" person in so long, and whilst I knew I was misbehaving incredibly and would pay for it later, I DID NOT CARE! (I will have to re-read this when I can barely walk because then I'll be thinking I should have really cared). Anyway, I can't really describe how this felt, (well I can, back hurts, hips are being iced, probably subluxated a shoulder) but it was just incredible. And it worked mentally because whatever was going on up there earlier is now gone.
Depeche Mode is officially my cure all. Oops, Martin is now singing Shake the Disease, my most favourite, so must run...