24 November, 2014


I've not updated this blog in a while, and that's a good thing. Thankfully I have learned to (mostly) pay more attention to what my body is saying. That doesn't mean I'm not in pain, just that I have learned to lessen the flare ups that are under my control. I can't control the weather, but I can sometimes get a better handle on the sleep and stress end of my triggers. I have been going to PT with a Feldenkrais practitioner and have found it extremely helpful as well. I highly recommend checking it out for body work . My mantra is, well one of them, "one day at a time". And also the spoon theory is great to keep in mind. When I first read it, it was like someone had been in my brain and verbalised what I couldn't. If you're not familiar, this link describes it well: Wishing you all painless and happy times.