30 July, 2007

Radiological report

MRI Hip RT w/o contrast

Clinical history: Pain

An MRI of the right hip was performed utilizing axial fat saturated proton density, coronal inversion recovery, and sagittal fat saturated intermediate weighted sequences.

There is no evidence of fracture or avascular necrosis. There is a small amount of fluid within the hip joint, likely physiologic.

There is bone marrow edema within the lateral aspect of the femoral head compatible with the femoracetabular impingement. There is associated increased signal within the anterosuperior labrum consistent with a nondiplaced tear. Note is also made of thickening of the ligamentum teres consistent with ligamentum teres syndrome.

The visualized musculature is unremarkable. The hamstring tendon origins and gluteal tendon insertions are unremarkable.

There is fluid within the obturator internus bursa consistent with obturator internus bursitis. There is no evidence for ilipsoas or greater trochanteric bursitis.

Limited evaluation of pelvic soft tissues demonstrates no abnormality.

1. Thickening of the ligamentum teres consistent with ligamentum teres syndrome.
2. Findings compatible with femoracetabular impingement and an associated nondisplaced anteosuperior labral tear.
3. Obturator internus bursitis.

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