31 October, 2007


All of this non-hip related stuff is going to be the end of me yet. I must whinge for a bit, so please skip this bit if you're bothered by it.

First my acid reflux was killing me and my throat was on fire, then it turned out I have one heck of a head cold. I must have looked quite the picture today as both of my bosses insisted that I leave work as soon as they saw me. So I've been sitting on the couch, watching the telly and relaxing.

Then, to add to this joy, my tooth that had the root canal on Saturday became more painful so my dentist is putting in a prescription for antibiotics because he thinks there's an infection. Which means I have to go out again, feeling like crap and being in more pain than anything. I'm almost on the verge of popping a pain pill, which is a desperate measure. But as they say, desperate times call for desperate measures.

Please, whomever put this curse on me, enough is enough, I can't take it anymore.

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