27 March, 2008


It's so much fun going to doctors and baffling them with a multitude of issues. Well, not really. In fact it's quite dull at this point. Nevertheless this is what I did today. I brought a huge envelope containing copies of all my reports (blood tests, surgery reports, MRI results, etc). They all seemed so impressed at the office - but I've just learned it's easier to have it ready ahead of time.

After giving the Dr. Meng's assistant all the forms that they had sent me in advance and my envelope, I sat waiting for her to review all of it. She couldn't have read too much as that would have taken her a long time. But at least she was briefed in advance. When I met her she asked me all the same questions again that I had filled out, and more about different treatments I have tried, and more specific questions about certain aspects of my "aches". Then she gave me a physical.

She decided that I should try Mobic 7.5mg 1x/day with Protonix (so my acid reflux doesn't get started again) for the fibromyalgia/general body inflammation. Bit upset about this as I weaned myself off the Protonix and was quite happy not paying for it or taking it. Now I have to ring my internist to make yet another appointment so she can give me another script for that. I'll hit her up for some more Clonazapam as well since I have to go in and that seems to help me sleep occasionally when I'm having a rough patch of insomnia. Dr. Meng also wants me to take about 500mg of Tylenol in the afternoon. She thinks this will help with the pain, and says it supposedly works well with the Mobic. I'm willing to give it a shot, but I just looked up Mobic on the Internet and came across a page with comments from people taking it and their side-effects. Oh how I hate drugs. Still, if this is going to get me through rehabbing my hip, then I guess I will have to suck it up for now. She wants to see me in a month, but I am to ring her in two weeks if there's no difference.

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