13 June, 2008


I skipped the pool on Wednesday as I felt I would definitely be putting myself at risk to overdue it all. I did go for a pretty long walk after work though, so at least got some exercise in.
Yesterday I went to the heated pool on 34th, and I had it all to myself! It was so nice. After I did my regular walking and exercises, I decided to try some swimming. My mother was funny when I told her this - she said "Did they say you could?". My response was "WHO?". Since the insurance co has not let me have PT and I have not seen Dr. Kelly for a few months, I decided to take matters into my own hands. For better or worse. I was good, only did a few test laps with all the different strokes, and (touch wood) all seemed to go well. No popping or clicking or dislocating or subluxating that I could notice. And I can still walk today!!! My shoulders are not happy but they've been bothering me since I started doing arm exercises in the pool anyway. If I am still feeling like this tomorrow perhaps I will try a little more, though I still want to be cautious. It would be nice to be re-evaluated so I know what I should and shouldn't be doing though.
Perhaps the insurance gods will grace me with a positive answer to continue in the near future! Dare I hope???

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