We left the house extra early at arrived at the doctors office at 7.50am for an 8.15am appointment. Unfortunately we were told after a few minutes that the doctor had been called into emergency surgery. It happens. I said I really didn't want to have to do the prep again and they assured me they'd get the procedure done that day, and to come back at noon. I was none too happy, between my neck / shoulder agony, starving and lack of sleep. We went all the way back home and miraculously I passed out for a couple of hours. Before we left to go back to the doctors I rang to make sure he was still going to be there, and was told yes, definitely come in. So off we went again. When we arrived at exactly noon, I had a funny feeling. By 12.23 I told my mother that in 7 minutes I was going to go postal. At this point I was beyond hungry and in a lot of pain w/ my neck. Then one of the staff asked me to come to the back with my mother. I knew that wasn't a good sign. He said the doctor was still in surgery and they were expecting him at 14.30, but there was no guarantee. I could 1)wait, 2)wait for another doctor but that wouldn't be till about 15.00 or later, or 3) reschedule. I said 3 wasn't an option as I barely have any days left off and unless they were going to pay me, it wouldn't work. Wasn't keen on a different doctor doing it, but the main thing was it was even a longer wait. I went with my gut and said I would stick it out for Dr. A. Thankfully they also let me take a clonazepam to relax and gave me an ice pack for my neck. For the next two hours my mother and I sat in the back waiting. Thankfully at 14.35 one of the staff came back and said to change. I let out with such a scream! Who would ever have thought I'd be that excited for a colonoscopy. When the doctor came in I gave him a kiss! He was v. sweet and said he wouldn't have not shown up for me. I really do like him, it's so hard to find good doctors and I am v. lucky I have a few v. v. good ones. They knocked me out and all was over within half an hour or so. Dr. A said I had a v. good looking colon and he had taken biopsies but really didn't think they'd say anything. So it's v. good all looks well but we still don't have an answer as to why I keep getting the peri rectal abscesses. Oh well, I've never been easy to diagnose so why start now?!?
After we left the office on the way to get some food, I received a call from Dr. Panagos' (physiatrist) office saying that they would have to reschedule my appointment for the 16th to the 22nd. I nearly lost it and started crying. I said there was no way I could make it another week and a half without some pain relief and please to sort something out. They asked if I was an existing patient and I said yes, and then they said they'd have the doctor ring me. It was already about 15.30 at this point and I didn't think I'd hear from him by the end of the day.
Amazingly he rang me on Saturday am. He even apologised for ringing on a Saturday. I told him he could call me whenever he wanted! He suggested taking Naproxen 500mg twice a day (not doing a damn thing) and taking two valium for sleep (doesn't help, the clonazepam seems to work better but still not a great sleep). I told him my MRI was scheduled for that afternoon and he said that was good and he should have the results by Tuesday. I did email him yesterday to tell him how painful the MRI was, and that the hospital said the images would be online by Tuesday (today) morning at the latest. The last time I had one 8 months ago for my neck, lying down didn't hurt anything like it does now. 20 minutes of lying flat on my back almost killed me. I could barely move my arm and neck after the test and the tech even had to help me up. I was such a wreck for the next day even! They did give me a disc then with the images but I have no idea what that means. Dr. P emailed me back last night and said he'd ring me today after he saw the images but sadly it's 15.50 and I've still not heard from him. I did leave a message with his nurse but haven't heard from her either. I am just hoping he has a solution for pain relief and we can schedule it soon so I have something to look forward to, because I am so wiped out from this pain I just keep wishing Henry VIII was still around so he could chop my head off!
And the best news of all has nothing (sadly) to do with my health but it's still amazing. I am an aunt again! Now I have a beautiful niece, she was born v. v. early on Saturday!

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