06 July, 2009

Insurance and doctor hell

I won't bore you with the varied and numerous details about trying to get a lab and a doctor work together with ones insurance company when there is a daft blood test that is only done at particular places, but think of a very frustrating thing and then multiply it by 100! I swear, the more ill you are the more difficult it is to get treatment. Something has got to give in this bloody country with health care!

Just to give you an idea - the blood work taken a couple of weeks ago, one set cost over $700 - UHC paid $30 of it. (this was w/ an in-network lab, G-d only knows what would've been charged for an out-of-network lab) WHY CHARGE SO MUCH FOR A TEST THAT IS ONLY $30, if that??? The other set was over $800 and UHC paid $40. Now this is great if you have insurance, but for those millions of people who do not have medical insurance, why are they getting charged these exorbitant costs? It's no wonder you can go bankrupt and lose your home from being sick. Congress better sort this out and properly soon!

So the long and the short of it and what should probably be a few valiums later, I am going to Mt. Sinai tmrw am to the Phlebotomy lab for a bleeding test and a Platelet test. Even though Dr. Wu doesn't have privileges there, they are (Thankfully) letting me have the blood tests done there. Most hospitals won't let you do that - because everyone in the medical field are evil horrid people. Sorry I do have a few dr's I like but at the moment I hate the whole field.

Oh - and the pins and needles are worse so nerve damage is progressing - hopefully by the time we sort this out it won't be permanent. ARGH!

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