PT on Monday went well. We did everything the same as last week, sans the balance board, and I think that made all the difference in the world. That balance board and I have been enemies from the beginning. I've never done it without getting some sort of pain from it. And the best is I have not limped since the weekend! How exciting is that? Now the really exciting part of this story is that last night I wore my v. v. high heels - 3" heels - to be exact. I haven't worn those in probably a year or so! And I was okay standing and walking at the Purim do I went to. Yeah! (Ok, to be honest I have a slight ache in my groin, but it's not too horrible so I'm not complaining.) I missed the pool yesterday but will go after work today so we shall see how I fare with that.
Today was my appointment with Dr. Melone. I must add he is an amazing doctor. After all of my experience with the medical profession I feel I have acquired the expertise to judge these things :-) That and the fact I can still use my hands because of him!
I admit I was quite nervous about the visit today. My greatest fear was him saying the last surgery didn't "stick" and we'd have to go back it. That has happened before with my hand/wrist so it was a real concern. Thankfully though he sussed out immediately where the pain was originating from and saw that there was - now be ready because I'm sure you'll be surprised - INFLAMMATION! How shocking! Me? Have something inflamed in my body? Never! Ha ha. I did fill him in on all the recent excitement between hips and shoulders and genetic doctors and the such. The result of the hand/finger pain was he gave me an injection into the base of my thumb area where it meets my wrist, and I've been given another splint to add to my collection! I am only to wear it for 24 hours and then only at night. He also wants me to use puddy to play with to strengthen the hand as well. Now I know the next question is - what happens if the injection doesn't work? (BTW, the injection hurt like hell, but it was nice and numb for a bit. Sadly that wore off so now it's just sore from the needle and the splint.) Well, the S word was mentioned. He was funny - said to me "Oh you've never had minor hand surgery have you?" I was like, hmm, not that I'm aware of. He said if he does have to do that, he cuts in that area where the injection was done and does something to the tendons. Yes, I know I usually pay much better attention but once he said "SURGERY" my brain turned off and I didn't hear another word. The scar would be about an inch - another one for my collection :-) Yes that part I heard. Frankensteins monster likes to know how big the scars are going to be. The surgery itself takes about 20 minutes (which for me would probably be double, if we go by past history) and it's done under a local and outpatient. To be fair, it wasn't my worse case scenario so I'm pretty relieved over all. Now it's just a waiting game. I'm really hoping the injection works because I can't comprehend any more cutting, even if it's "minor" by some opinions.
I best stop typing as I was told to rest the hand today.

my lovely new spint
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