17 March, 2008

Monday - 22 Weeks post op

This weekend was pretty good. Saturday the weather was nice - I love it when the rain doesn't show up. It's the little things in life! I went to the pool and my only pain after was my left hip, and even that wasn't too bad as it was on and off.
I did take it easy most of the weekend and only did minimal walking so I'm sure that helped.

Sunday I was in a bit of pain w/ both hips and my right shoulder. I think the pool irritated the shoulder somehow though I'm not sure how... I iced on rotation for a while and then the hips were feeling better.

This week I have an appointment with my hand surgeon. Bit nervous about that. I am hoping that splinting or PT (not that I really want more PT) can sort it out instead of any other not-to-be-named methods.

I also made an appointment for next week with the rheumatologist that Dr. Kelly recommended. Have I mentioned how sick I am of the medical profession???

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