It's so much fun going to doctors and baffling them with a multitude of issues. Well, not really. In fact it's quite dull at this point. Nevertheless this is what I did today. I brought a huge envelope containing copies of all my reports (blood tests, surgery reports, MRI results, etc). They all seemed so impressed at the office - but I've just learned it's easier to have it ready ahead of time.
After giving the Dr. Meng's assistant all the forms that they had sent me in advance and my envelope, I sat waiting for her to review all of it. She couldn't have read too much as that would have taken her a long time. But at least she was briefed in advance. When I met her she asked me all the same questions again that I had filled out, and more about different treatments I have tried, and more specific questions about certain aspects of my "aches". Then she gave me a physical.
She decided that I should try Mobic 7.5mg 1x/day with Protonix (so my acid reflux doesn't get started again) for the fibromyalgia/general body inflammation. Bit upset about this as I weaned myself off the Protonix and was quite happy not paying for it or taking it. Now I have to ring my internist to make yet another appointment so she can give me another script for that. I'll hit her up for some more Clonazapam as well since I have to go in and that seems to help me sleep occasionally when I'm having a rough patch of insomnia. Dr. Meng also wants me to take about 500mg of Tylenol in the afternoon. She thinks this will help with the pain, and says it supposedly works well with the Mobic. I'm willing to give it a shot, but I just looked up Mobic on the Internet and came across a page with comments from people taking it and their side-effects. Oh how I hate drugs. Still, if this is going to get me through rehabbing my hip, then I guess I will have to suck it up for now. She wants to see me in a month, but I am to ring her in two weeks if there's no difference.
from diagnosis through surgery for FAI, labral tear, psoas release, as well as fibromyalgia and EDS (ehlers danlos / hypermobility syndrome) - and not lets forget the bad hands/wrists! Additional information regarding dealing with a peri-rectal abscess which then turned into a fistula. Currently I'm trying to sort out my neck and upper back as I have been diagnosed with stenosis, and herniated and bulging discs in my cervical spine.
27 March, 2008
Ice ice baby
is all I've been doing for the last two days. Not happy about this. I know the long walk didn't help yesterday but it was so nice to do it. I just can't make a habit out of it I guess.
And I realised my chiro appointment isn't until tomorrow. :-(
I have the rheumatologist today. So not looking forward to that.
I won't even mention how crap the weather is turning, I am truly a human barometer!
Wow, I'm a bit of a whinger today. Oh well. I'm entitled every now and again I suppose.
And I realised my chiro appointment isn't until tomorrow. :-(
I have the rheumatologist today. So not looking forward to that.
I won't even mention how crap the weather is turning, I am truly a human barometer!
Wow, I'm a bit of a whinger today. Oh well. I'm entitled every now and again I suppose.
26 March, 2008
long walk home
I just walked from 52nd and Park to 85th and First. Without limping!
Time to go ice for a long while...
Ice is Nice
Last night I slept like a baby! It was so nice. I guess that I was really exhausted from lack of sleep plus I got some things off my mind which I'm sure helped. I actually woke up in the same position as the one I fell asleep in, a rare thing indeed.
Unfortunately I must report that my hand, even with wearing the splint every night, seems to not be doing too hot. Today it's hurting a lot by the injection site and I don't think the injection is actually working anymore. However, I'm not quite ready to call in the the surgeon yet. We will see. Also my hips are a bit wonky today. At present I am icing my right hip, and will do my left as well.
So happy I have my chiro tomorrow. I really missed it last week when he was away. Those therapeutic massages really make the world of difference to my body. Thankfully the new ortho part of my insurance company covered some visits, so I am praying they keep that up because I really don't know what I would do without them.
Progressing with my website, slowly but a little bit at a time and eventually it will get done - I hope at least! :-)
Unfortunately I must report that my hand, even with wearing the splint every night, seems to not be doing too hot. Today it's hurting a lot by the injection site and I don't think the injection is actually working anymore. However, I'm not quite ready to call in the the surgeon yet. We will see. Also my hips are a bit wonky today. At present I am icing my right hip, and will do my left as well.
So happy I have my chiro tomorrow. I really missed it last week when he was away. Those therapeutic massages really make the world of difference to my body. Thankfully the new ortho part of my insurance company covered some visits, so I am praying they keep that up because I really don't know what I would do without them.
Progressing with my website, slowly but a little bit at a time and eventually it will get done - I hope at least! :-)
insurance companies,
25 March, 2008
Post PT
I felt pretty good after PT last night, with the exception of my knee acting up a bit, but thankfully that didn't last too long. Today I have been good - no limping or gimping - which lead me to believe my conclusion about no balance board is correct. Doing the leg press yesterday was great though. I used to do it at the gym all the time, so it felt like a major improvement to me. Granted the weights were light, but you've got to start somewhere, and I did 3 sets of 10!
My hand/wrist has been bothering me today. We didn't really cover the idea of carpal tunnel at my last visit, so I'm hoping it's all just related to the inflammation where he injected me. And that it all goes away for good! I asked my PT people if they could get me some of the silly puddy stuff to use as Dr. Melone wants me to strengthen with it. Hopefully I will have it next week.
Also copied all of my lab tests, MRI results, surgery write-ups, etc today for the rheumatologist on Thursday. She's not going to know what hit her when I walk in!
Off to the pool again! :-)
And yes, I've remembered to take my anti-inflammatory drugs this week!
My hand/wrist has been bothering me today. We didn't really cover the idea of carpal tunnel at my last visit, so I'm hoping it's all just related to the inflammation where he injected me. And that it all goes away for good! I asked my PT people if they could get me some of the silly puddy stuff to use as Dr. Melone wants me to strengthen with it. Hopefully I will have it next week.
Also copied all of my lab tests, MRI results, surgery write-ups, etc today for the rheumatologist on Thursday. She's not going to know what hit her when I walk in!
Off to the pool again! :-)
And yes, I've remembered to take my anti-inflammatory drugs this week!
Dr. Melone,
leg press,
24 March, 2008
The Ups and Downs
This weekend was a bit nutty, I'd be fine, then not so much, and then fine again.
I did the rest of my chores on Sunday morning and I think that definitely irritated my hip and hand. Lifting heavy objects is not my forte anymore. I was thinking of giving my self a break and skipping the pool, but I figured if I do that once it will be too easy to keep it up, so I dragged myself there. It was a good thing, I did my laps and leg exercises and was feeling pretty good. The mistake I made was not icing when I got home. I didn't realise how much of the day had gone and I was meeting a friend downtown. Between showering and dressing and eating I didn't have time to ice before I left. Bad me! At first I thought I'd be fine, but the walk from the subway to the pub was a bit more than I'd anticipated, but still was hanging in there just fine. About half way through the show my hips really started hurting, especially in the groin/front area where the psoas is. And both were hurting, though the right was more pronounced. To add the extra special cherry on top - my right hand/wrist started hurting as well. I was a bit disappointed as it had only been 4 days since my injection. Oh well, c'est la vie. Since sleep had been lacking the last few days I decided to leave after and go home and try to get a decent nights rest. I was only slightly successful, but at least it was more than I had been getting all weekend. I'll take it! PT tonight, and will tell S that I felt good last Tuesday and hopefully he won't want me to do the balance board, I'm really convinced that is a trigger.
Looking forward to my chiro this week as well as I pulled out my neck this morning - who knew just putting a shirt on could do that!?!
I did the rest of my chores on Sunday morning and I think that definitely irritated my hip and hand. Lifting heavy objects is not my forte anymore. I was thinking of giving my self a break and skipping the pool, but I figured if I do that once it will be too easy to keep it up, so I dragged myself there. It was a good thing, I did my laps and leg exercises and was feeling pretty good. The mistake I made was not icing when I got home. I didn't realise how much of the day had gone and I was meeting a friend downtown. Between showering and dressing and eating I didn't have time to ice before I left. Bad me! At first I thought I'd be fine, but the walk from the subway to the pub was a bit more than I'd anticipated, but still was hanging in there just fine. About half way through the show my hips really started hurting, especially in the groin/front area where the psoas is. And both were hurting, though the right was more pronounced. To add the extra special cherry on top - my right hand/wrist started hurting as well. I was a bit disappointed as it had only been 4 days since my injection. Oh well, c'est la vie. Since sleep had been lacking the last few days I decided to leave after and go home and try to get a decent nights rest. I was only slightly successful, but at least it was more than I had been getting all weekend. I'll take it! PT tonight, and will tell S that I felt good last Tuesday and hopefully he won't want me to do the balance board, I'm really convinced that is a trigger.
Looking forward to my chiro this week as well as I pulled out my neck this morning - who knew just putting a shirt on could do that!?!
23 March, 2008
Just realised
that I had forgotten to take the anti-inflammatory meds the last two days. Hmm, I guess they had been making a difference. Took one today and will see how I do.
22 March, 2008
Went to the pool. Right hip was KILLING me whilst I was doing the walking laps. Then it stopped before I got out. Strange. I iced for a while when I got home, so hoping that put off any idea it had of flaring up again. :-)
weekend update
I've been busy playing with a new toy. How I love new toys. This one is a biggie though. Just getting it out of the box almost destroyed me. I can't believe how heavy they make these Macs! Anyway, with some difficulty I did get it out of the box and set up. I've even sussed out how to transfer items from my PC using that as a server. I amaze myself sometimes as I'm not too tech savvy. So I've been spending much time trying to learn the Mac way - and I have to admit there are certain things that drive me a bit wonky. A lot of programs don't work with it. Ah well, it's purpose is for my photography so that is what I will use it primarily for anyway. Still, takes some getting used to. I've been trying to not spend to much time at one time on it as I don't want my hand to start up. It's been pretty good since the injection on Wednesday and I don't want to irritate it.
Yesterday I took a break in the afternoon for some wine and cheese at Uva. I love that place. It's so reasonable and you can sit for hours just talking and hanging out and they're cool about it. It was a self-imposed, pre-planned break from the computer. I didn't want to lock myself up for the whole weekend just playing with it.
I decided to start spring cleaning today. I thought I had been feeling well but after I got started my hips decided they didn't like the plan. I do still want to go to the pool but need to get motivated now that I'm in pain. Still, I must go and strengthen. I'll ice twice as much after! Besides if I don't leave for a break I'll keep at the cleaning and really destroy me for the rest of the weekend. I still have to do laundry as well, but the more I think about it, the more I think that will be tomorrows chore. Moderation is key to my life - that's what the keep telling me anyway. And I have to remember to get all those test results for the rheumy appointment this week. And tomorrow night going to see a singer in the village which will be a nice treat. Don't nearly get down there enough!
Ok, must give myself a swift kick in the arse and get going! It's hard to leave though as my brother told me about this cool website, You put in your favourite band and they come up with a stream of songs. It's pretty amazing that 95% of the songs they are playing I like, then again not too surprising as it's all 80's and I'm so trapped in that time period. Still, lots of stuff I haven't heard in a while like OMD, TFF, Psychedelic Furs, etc. V. v. cool!
20 March, 2008
Day after the (wrist) injection
Day one seems to be going pretty well with the hand pain barely there. Quite a relief, though I won't get my hopes up too high as these things tend to wear off at some point. But I am hoping it doesn't wear off. My wrist was so sore yesterday that I even iced it after the pool. When I woke up this morning it was much better though, even with sleeping with the splint on.
The pool went pretty well, though I was definitely sore afterwards. I iced both hips for a while when I got home, and that helps. I am still a bit sore today but not bad at all. My pool 'workout' consists of about 5 minutes walking forward, 5 backwards, then 5 sideways. After that I do the leg lifts to the side, back and the bending knee one. I did add the squats again per S's instruction at PT on Monday, but I am wondering if that was why I was more sore after than I have been. I made sure not to go down too far and to keep my legs in the position he told me to. Unfortunately the gym near me has the pool closed tomorrow, so I will either go down to 34th or I will go on Saturday and Sunday. I am thinking that is more likely as my new baby is arriving tonight - at least that's what FedEx has been saying - so I will be busy playing around with that.
Regarding the rheumatologist, her office sent a bunch of paperwork over to fill out. To be honest they could really do with fixing the forms up, the q's seem pretty general and there's a lot of stuff missing that they should ask for. I have to dig up my most recent reports this weekend so I can copy them and bring them with me next week, as requested.
The pool went pretty well, though I was definitely sore afterwards. I iced both hips for a while when I got home, and that helps. I am still a bit sore today but not bad at all. My pool 'workout' consists of about 5 minutes walking forward, 5 backwards, then 5 sideways. After that I do the leg lifts to the side, back and the bending knee one. I did add the squats again per S's instruction at PT on Monday, but I am wondering if that was why I was more sore after than I have been. I made sure not to go down too far and to keep my legs in the position he told me to. Unfortunately the gym near me has the pool closed tomorrow, so I will either go down to 34th or I will go on Saturday and Sunday. I am thinking that is more likely as my new baby is arriving tonight - at least that's what FedEx has been saying - so I will be busy playing around with that.
Regarding the rheumatologist, her office sent a bunch of paperwork over to fill out. To be honest they could really do with fixing the forms up, the q's seem pretty general and there's a lot of stuff missing that they should ask for. I have to dig up my most recent reports this weekend so I can copy them and bring them with me next week, as requested.
19 March, 2008
Could be worse
PT on Monday went well. We did everything the same as last week, sans the balance board, and I think that made all the difference in the world. That balance board and I have been enemies from the beginning. I've never done it without getting some sort of pain from it. And the best is I have not limped since the weekend! How exciting is that? Now the really exciting part of this story is that last night I wore my v. v. high heels - 3" heels - to be exact. I haven't worn those in probably a year or so! And I was okay standing and walking at the Purim do I went to. Yeah! (Ok, to be honest I have a slight ache in my groin, but it's not too horrible so I'm not complaining.) I missed the pool yesterday but will go after work today so we shall see how I fare with that.
Today was my appointment with Dr. Melone. I must add he is an amazing doctor. After all of my experience with the medical profession I feel I have acquired the expertise to judge these things :-) That and the fact I can still use my hands because of him!
I admit I was quite nervous about the visit today. My greatest fear was him saying the last surgery didn't "stick" and we'd have to go back it. That has happened before with my hand/wrist so it was a real concern. Thankfully though he sussed out immediately where the pain was originating from and saw that there was - now be ready because I'm sure you'll be surprised - INFLAMMATION! How shocking! Me? Have something inflamed in my body? Never! Ha ha. I did fill him in on all the recent excitement between hips and shoulders and genetic doctors and the such. The result of the hand/finger pain was he gave me an injection into the base of my thumb area where it meets my wrist, and I've been given another splint to add to my collection! I am only to wear it for 24 hours and then only at night. He also wants me to use puddy to play with to strengthen the hand as well. Now I know the next question is - what happens if the injection doesn't work? (BTW, the injection hurt like hell, but it was nice and numb for a bit. Sadly that wore off so now it's just sore from the needle and the splint.) Well, the S word was mentioned. He was funny - said to me "Oh you've never had minor hand surgery have you?" I was like, hmm, not that I'm aware of. He said if he does have to do that, he cuts in that area where the injection was done and does something to the tendons. Yes, I know I usually pay much better attention but once he said "SURGERY" my brain turned off and I didn't hear another word. The scar would be about an inch - another one for my collection :-) Yes that part I heard. Frankensteins monster likes to know how big the scars are going to be. The surgery itself takes about 20 minutes (which for me would probably be double, if we go by past history) and it's done under a local and outpatient. To be fair, it wasn't my worse case scenario so I'm pretty relieved over all. Now it's just a waiting game. I'm really hoping the injection works because I can't comprehend any more cutting, even if it's "minor" by some opinions.
I best stop typing as I was told to rest the hand today.

my lovely new spint
Dr. Melone,
hand surgery,
17 March, 2008
Monday - 22 Weeks post op
This weekend was pretty good. Saturday the weather was nice - I love it when the rain doesn't show up. It's the little things in life! I went to the pool and my only pain after was my left hip, and even that wasn't too bad as it was on and off.
I did take it easy most of the weekend and only did minimal walking so I'm sure that helped.
Sunday I was in a bit of pain w/ both hips and my right shoulder. I think the pool irritated the shoulder somehow though I'm not sure how... I iced on rotation for a while and then the hips were feeling better.
This week I have an appointment with my hand surgeon. Bit nervous about that. I am hoping that splinting or PT (not that I really want more PT) can sort it out instead of any other not-to-be-named methods.
I also made an appointment for next week with the rheumatologist that Dr. Kelly recommended. Have I mentioned how sick I am of the medical profession???
I did take it easy most of the weekend and only did minimal walking so I'm sure that helped.
Sunday I was in a bit of pain w/ both hips and my right shoulder. I think the pool irritated the shoulder somehow though I'm not sure how... I iced on rotation for a while and then the hips were feeling better.
This week I have an appointment with my hand surgeon. Bit nervous about that. I am hoping that splinting or PT (not that I really want more PT) can sort it out instead of any other not-to-be-named methods.
I also made an appointment for next week with the rheumatologist that Dr. Kelly recommended. Have I mentioned how sick I am of the medical profession???
14 March, 2008
Overdosing on doctors...
I saw Dr. Kelly this am. The short of what he said is that "there's no solution for what is wrong with you". Kinda knew that already, but I'm just looking for some sort of relief. Well, relief in a more natural way than just popping narcotics. He gave me another prescription for PT b/c the insurance company is getting cranky - I really hope that helps. And he said the pool is the best thing for me, so will keep up with that. He also mentioned prolotherapy. I've researched that in the past, but it involves lots of stuff being injected into you. I HATE needles. But even so he said I should research it though he wouldn't feel comfortable going that route until we're sure the surgery didn't work, which would be about a year out. I will wait a bit to do more research on it as I don't even want to think about all those needles! He also wants me to see another rheumatologist. I definitely didn't want to return to my original one - see v. early posts - as she has NO CLUE about ANYTHING! I've just made an appointment for the 27th. Dr. Kelly feels that we have to try to control the general inflammation I have so we can focus on strengthening my hips, both of which are v. v. weak. I think he was surprised just HOW weak - though I wasn't.
So that's where things stand at the moment.
At least it's Friday! :-)
So that's where things stand at the moment.
At least it's Friday! :-)
Bryan Kelly,
Dr. Kelly,
12 March, 2008
My friend just emailed this to me and I thought it was a nice sentiment, and so here it is...
Recently a mother and daughter were overheard in their last moments together at the airport. They had announced the departure. Standing near the security gate, they hugged and the mother said, 'I love you and I wish you enough'. The daughter replied, 'Mom, our life together has been more than enough. Your love is all I ever needed. I wish you enough, too, Mom'.
They kissed and the daughter left. The mother walked over to the window where I was seated. Standing there I could see she wanted and needed to cry. I tried not to intrude on her privacy but she welcomed me in by asking, 'Did you ever say good-bye to someone knowing it would be forever?'. Yes, I have,' I replied. 'Forgive me for asking, but why is this a forever good-bye?'. 'I am old and she lives so far away. I have challenges ahead and the reality is - the next trip back will be for my funeral,' she said. 'When you were saying good-bye, I heard you say, 'I wish you enough'. May I ask what that means?'. She began to smile. 'That's a wish that has been handed down from other generations. My parents used to say it to everyone'. She paused a moment and looked up as if trying to remember it in detail and she smiled even more. 'When we said , 'I wish you enough', we were wanting the other person to have a life filled with just enough good things to sustain them'.
Then turning toward me, she shared the following as if she were reciting it from memory.
I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright no matter how gray the day may appear.
I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun even more.
I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive and everlasting.
I wish you enough pain so that even the smallest of joys in life may appear bigger.
I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.
I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.
I wish you enough hellos to get you through the final good-bye.
She then began to cry and walked away.
They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them but then an entire life to forget them.
To all my friends and loved ones, I WISH YOU ENOUGH
Recently a mother and daughter were overheard in their last moments together at the airport. They had announced the departure. Standing near the security gate, they hugged and the mother said, 'I love you and I wish you enough'. The daughter replied, 'Mom, our life together has been more than enough. Your love is all I ever needed. I wish you enough, too, Mom'.
They kissed and the daughter left. The mother walked over to the window where I was seated. Standing there I could see she wanted and needed to cry. I tried not to intrude on her privacy but she welcomed me in by asking, 'Did you ever say good-bye to someone knowing it would be forever?'. Yes, I have,' I replied. 'Forgive me for asking, but why is this a forever good-bye?'. 'I am old and she lives so far away. I have challenges ahead and the reality is - the next trip back will be for my funeral,' she said. 'When you were saying good-bye, I heard you say, 'I wish you enough'. May I ask what that means?'. She began to smile. 'That's a wish that has been handed down from other generations. My parents used to say it to everyone'. She paused a moment and looked up as if trying to remember it in detail and she smiled even more. 'When we said , 'I wish you enough', we were wanting the other person to have a life filled with just enough good things to sustain them'.
Then turning toward me, she shared the following as if she were reciting it from memory.
I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright no matter how gray the day may appear.
I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun even more.
I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive and everlasting.
I wish you enough pain so that even the smallest of joys in life may appear bigger.
I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.
I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.
I wish you enough hellos to get you through the final good-bye.
She then began to cry and walked away.
They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them but then an entire life to forget them.
To all my friends and loved ones, I WISH YOU ENOUGH
I was doing pretty well, even with a bit of a walk back and forth to the apple store at lunch. On my way back I started to get a bit sore, but then it went away.
It was after work when I went out to a do at the Museum of Jewish Heritage that did me in. All that standing was not good. I came home and iced and it feels a bit better now. I am hoping it will still be okay tomorrow, as I'm planning on going to the pool again.
But today was a good day, so I'll take it!
It was after work when I went out to a do at the Museum of Jewish Heritage that did me in. All that standing was not good. I came home and iced and it feels a bit better now. I am hoping it will still be okay tomorrow, as I'm planning on going to the pool again.
But today was a good day, so I'll take it!
Ok, hope I'm not going to jinx it, but I went "swimming" last night and today I haven't been a gimp. I'm so happy!!! And I got a good nights sleep, which was so lovely. Yesterday I got my official NYC business license and think I will stroll over to the Apple store today if the un-gimpy-ness keeps up!
There's a do tonight at the Museum of Jewish Heritage and I'm hoping I will still be okay by then. All positive thoughts!!!
There's a do tonight at the Museum of Jewish Heritage and I'm hoping I will still be okay by then. All positive thoughts!!!
11 March, 2008
Working out the kinks
So, PT last night. S was back and decided to see what I could get away with doing more of. The main things I believe he added were the balance board, and doing clam shells on the right with a 2lb weight. After I did that one though I started to hurt. I did my side and back leg lifts without any weights. I also did the chair stretch for the front of my leg/psoas area. A said that area was very tight. S worked on it and then moved me all around to try to find the source of the pain. He seems to feel that the muscle area in front is inflamed and that I should just pay attention to what I do and take it easy. That's what I've been doing! He did say to take the anti-inflammatories again which I will do for a bit. And to keep going to the pool, so will be doing that after work today. I did send him an email this morning to tell him how sore and painful my hips were and to compare with the notes from last Wednesday as I wasn't suffering from PT afterwards on Thursday. I was pretty gimpy this morning but that seems to have thankfully calmed down.
As for my hand, it's still killing me, going on about three weeks straight, so I caved and rang my hand surgeon's office today. You know you're famous when the person hears your name, says "I know you" and transfers you to make an appointment directly, and you get one for the next week - and you've not even spoken to anyone at the office in a v. long time! Usually with him you have to wait months! I guess after 4 hand surgeries and knowing my doctor for about 18 years should get me some special treatment. I wish it was something better though. So, next Wednesday we will see what Charlie has to say about my lovely hand!
As for my hand, it's still killing me, going on about three weeks straight, so I caved and rang my hand surgeon's office today. You know you're famous when the person hears your name, says "I know you" and transfers you to make an appointment directly, and you get one for the next week - and you've not even spoken to anyone at the office in a v. long time! Usually with him you have to wait months! I guess after 4 hand surgeries and knowing my doctor for about 18 years should get me some special treatment. I wish it was something better though. So, next Wednesday we will see what Charlie has to say about my lovely hand!
Dr Melone,
10 March, 2008
21 Weeks post op
This weekend my body felt like it went through the ringer. Friday night I started feeling pretty crappy because of the weather, so just went home and reacquainted myself with my couch. Did not have a good nights sleep which never helps matters and on Saturday I was worse. I had theatre tickets on Saturday to see "Is He Dead?" and didn't want to miss that (good thing too it was quite amusing) so I schlepped to the theatre district. Not sure how I got there without crying, but the stairs to the mezzanine were the worst! Afterwards I had an early dinner with my theater date and then headed home, straight back to the couch! Unfortunately I had another rough night and sleep was not good.
I started to feel a bit better yesterday as the weather was much improved, but last night again sleep eluded me and so I'm still pretty achy today. This does not forebode well for me as I have PT after work and am having major muscle spasms especially in my back.
As for my right hip, yesterday I walked two block and was fine and then all of a sudden the front of my hip tightened up and I was limping again. That's been coming and going now. I haven't been to the pool since Thursday. I believe S will be back at PT tonight so I will have to discuss this with him. Perhaps some sort of stretching will help in that area? We shall see. I will only be going tonight as I have a do to go to on Wednesday. Friday is my appointment with Dr. Kelly - I'm thinking he's not going to be too pleased to see me when I tell him what's been going on.
I started to feel a bit better yesterday as the weather was much improved, but last night again sleep eluded me and so I'm still pretty achy today. This does not forebode well for me as I have PT after work and am having major muscle spasms especially in my back.
As for my right hip, yesterday I walked two block and was fine and then all of a sudden the front of my hip tightened up and I was limping again. That's been coming and going now. I haven't been to the pool since Thursday. I believe S will be back at PT tonight so I will have to discuss this with him. Perhaps some sort of stretching will help in that area? We shall see. I will only be going tonight as I have a do to go to on Wednesday. Friday is my appointment with Dr. Kelly - I'm thinking he's not going to be too pleased to see me when I tell him what's been going on.
Bryan Kelly,
Dr. Kelly,
07 March, 2008
Good & Bad
Yesterday I was doing really well. PT on Wednesday was good, we didn't over do anything, just took it slow and steady. I wasn't even limping yesterday! It was such a nice thing. Then I had to go to the pool last night. I am going to have to talk to Dr. Kelly about this next week when I see him. S at PT said I should be doing it and A agreed. I was only in for 25 minutes, but am I feeling it today! So much that I'm limping with my right leg. The front of my hip feel v. tight and a it is a bit painful as well. This is v. frustrating as I really need to strengthen up. We'll see what the doc says.
05 March, 2008
This blasted weather...
is killing me! I never made it to the pool last night as I started to feel achy in the afternoon. And my throat started to hurt - thankfully that seems to have gone away today though.
This morning I felt like my hands had been crushed as well as my whole body. Unfortunately I couldn't take off as my coworker is out today and one of us has to be here. I really hope this weather changes soon though. I have PT after work and would really hate to have to cancel it again since I did last Wednesday. Hopefully I will feel better later on. It's days like this that I temporarily consider moving somewhere warm and sunny.
This morning I felt like my hands had been crushed as well as my whole body. Unfortunately I couldn't take off as my coworker is out today and one of us has to be here. I really hope this weather changes soon though. I have PT after work and would really hate to have to cancel it again since I did last Wednesday. Hopefully I will feel better later on. It's days like this that I temporarily consider moving somewhere warm and sunny.
04 March, 2008
20 weeks post op
Yesterday I wasn't too gimpy, a v. good sign. But at PT we still took it easy as K checked the hips and feels it's just more inflammation and thinks I should start taking the anti-inflammatories again, even if it's just for a bit. Of course I forgot them today with all the insanity of last night and lack of sleep, but will take some extra Advil and try that for the day.
We limited most of the exercises yesterday. I still did leg raises (side and back) without weights and clam shells with a three pound weight. Also did bridges with the ball and stim (6lbs on right and 2lbs on left - started at 3 but it was hurting my knee too much), and resistance with K and then he stretched me. I am planning on going to the pool after work. I thought that might be causing the pain but A, the other PT, said that just 25 minutes and what I'm doing shouldn't really do that. But then again, I have such a unique body anything is possible. I will try to pay more attention tonight and afterwards to see what happens.
And possibly I will get the courage up to go see a dentist as my jaw is only getting worse.
We limited most of the exercises yesterday. I still did leg raises (side and back) without weights and clam shells with a three pound weight. Also did bridges with the ball and stim (6lbs on right and 2lbs on left - started at 3 but it was hurting my knee too much), and resistance with K and then he stretched me. I am planning on going to the pool after work. I thought that might be causing the pain but A, the other PT, said that just 25 minutes and what I'm doing shouldn't really do that. But then again, I have such a unique body anything is possible. I will try to pay more attention tonight and afterwards to see what happens.
And possibly I will get the courage up to go see a dentist as my jaw is only getting worse.
02 March, 2008
Pool time continued...
Friday I came out to the island. I had a heavy bag with some laundry, so that didn't help but to irritate the body a bit. I was definitely still achy and in pain in my hips. The weather went off in the evening and my knees especially were feeling it, took me a while to finally fall asleep. I had also put half a lidocaine patch on the back of my right shoulder as it was killing me. It was a little touch and go so didn't get a "good nights sleep" as I was a zombie when I woke up on Saturday.
Yesterday I couldn't decide whether to go to the pool or not, but eventually did in the afternoon. Thanks to my mother driving me, as I had no capacity for driving at that moment! I was in the pool for about 25 minutes, did my leg exercises and walking back and forth and then side to side. I am still cutting out the squats as I think that might have been irritating by hips, but not sure. My right hip was NOT happy in the least when I got out of the pool, and I made sure to ice when I got home, which definitely helped.
In the evening we went to my brothers house for my nephew's birthday. I took it easy and was still just so tired. When we got home last night I went straight to bed and was just watching telly. All of a sudden the groin area on both my left and right sides started a stabbing pain, first on the left, then the right. I was crying from the pain it was so bad. My mother came in and then got me some ice packs and that seemed to calm it down. It was the strangest thing, totally out of nowhere. Eventually I fell asleep and slept relatively well.
I think I am going to pass on the pool today though. I am not sure if that is what triggered that groin pain, so will have to ask my PT guys tomorrow. I am also pretty achy all over. Unfortunately I think he is away so it will just be the new understudy. I don't think she has enough experience with this. I see Dr. Kelly in two weeks and right now I am ready to yell at him. It's been almost 6 months and I don't feel that much better, on my right side. I hope he has some better ideas, and not including surgery, because I know I don't have the strength for that with either leg at the moment.
I am sorry to say it but I'm having a hard time keeping the faith at the moment. Hopefully we'll come up with a resolution or plan of attack soon and it will work. I guess it doesn't help that my right index finger has been barely usable for the last two weeks and my jaw/mouth pain has been non-stop. I would love to hop on a plane and disappear, but as we know, running away from problems or displacing them never helped anyone.
Yesterday I couldn't decide whether to go to the pool or not, but eventually did in the afternoon. Thanks to my mother driving me, as I had no capacity for driving at that moment! I was in the pool for about 25 minutes, did my leg exercises and walking back and forth and then side to side. I am still cutting out the squats as I think that might have been irritating by hips, but not sure. My right hip was NOT happy in the least when I got out of the pool, and I made sure to ice when I got home, which definitely helped.
In the evening we went to my brothers house for my nephew's birthday. I took it easy and was still just so tired. When we got home last night I went straight to bed and was just watching telly. All of a sudden the groin area on both my left and right sides started a stabbing pain, first on the left, then the right. I was crying from the pain it was so bad. My mother came in and then got me some ice packs and that seemed to calm it down. It was the strangest thing, totally out of nowhere. Eventually I fell asleep and slept relatively well.
I think I am going to pass on the pool today though. I am not sure if that is what triggered that groin pain, so will have to ask my PT guys tomorrow. I am also pretty achy all over. Unfortunately I think he is away so it will just be the new understudy. I don't think she has enough experience with this. I see Dr. Kelly in two weeks and right now I am ready to yell at him. It's been almost 6 months and I don't feel that much better, on my right side. I hope he has some better ideas, and not including surgery, because I know I don't have the strength for that with either leg at the moment.
I am sorry to say it but I'm having a hard time keeping the faith at the moment. Hopefully we'll come up with a resolution or plan of attack soon and it will work. I guess it doesn't help that my right index finger has been barely usable for the last two weeks and my jaw/mouth pain has been non-stop. I would love to hop on a plane and disappear, but as we know, running away from problems or displacing them never helped anyone.
Bryan Kelly,
Dr. Kelly,
lidocaine patch,
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